What countries are on the Do Not Travel list for the United States?

AS THE coronavirus pandemic rages on around the world, most countries have established their own set of travel rules for tourists and citizens.

The US announced a new list of countries which will not allow travel to in an effort to curb the spread of coronavirus.

The US announced a new Do Not Travel list worldwide

What countries are on the Do Not Travel list for the United States?

The US State Department announced on Monday, April 19, 2021 that it will add 130 other countries to their “do not travel” list.

So far, there are 200 countries, or 80% of the world, on that list as of April 20, 2021.

What did the State Department say about travel restrictions?

The state department has not given a timeline of when the restrictions will be lifted.

In early April, the CDC said that vaccinated US citizens can travel at “low-risk” within the country.

However, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky advised against any kind of travel despite vaccination to avoid a surge.

Walensky told Reuters: “We know that right now we have a surging number of cases. I would advocate against general travel overall.

“We are not recommending travel at this time, especially for unvaccinated individuals.”

What countries are on the Do Not Travel list for the United States?
The state department has not given a timeline of when coronavirus travel restrictions will be lifted

How many people have been vaccinated for coronavirus in the world?

As of April 20, 2021, nearly 208million people around the world have been vaccinated.

Over 920million doses have been administered, marking 2.7% of the population vaccinated.

The country with the most vaccinations has been the US with 212million doses administered.

Over 85.4million people have been fully vaccinated in the US.