What are the Plan B Covid restrictions in the UK?

Speculation is mounting that most of England’s Plan B Covid restrictions will be scrapped later this month.

A series of measures including working from home and Covid passports for certain venues were brought in last month to help tackle coronavirus as Omicrom cases increase.

What are the Plan B Covid restrictions in the UK?
Boris Johnson is set to lift Plan B COVID restrictions in England in the coming weeks

What is Plan B Covid in the UK?

Plan B has seen the return of measures seen in the UK’s various lockdowns.

This includes making face coverings for most indoor venues, such as shops and cinema’s, and vaccine passports will be mandatory in nightclubs and large-capacity venues.

The UK has also been advised of returning to working from home where possible, and generally urging the public to behave more cautiously.

Vaccine passports have also been extended to also include a negative lateral flow as sufficient proof of entry.

Boris Johnson announced new Plan B measures on December 8, 2021, and they came into effect on Wednesday, December 15 after passing a parliament vote.

He said the key response to Omicron was to buy time – which can be done by tightening restrictions at the border.

The package of measures are adequate to combat the Omicron variant in a matter of days, the PM said.

But the bruised PM suffered the biggest revolt of his premiership as almost 100 Tories rebelled against his Plan B measures to fight Omicron.

A whopping 98 Tories – wiping out the PM’s majority – defied their leader to oppose the controversial measure, as a total of 126 MPs voted against the the vaccine passports, beaten by 369 giving Mr Johnson a majority of 243.

What are the Plan B Covid restrictions?

Boris Johnson is said to be preparing to review rules on compulsory masks, working from home and Covid passes.

It’s reported the government expects work-from-home guidance and Covid passes for nightclubs to be scrapped on January 26.

But the legal requirement to wear masks in shops and public transport could be extended.

Working from home

Under Plan B all but essential workers have been asked to work remotely like they did between March 2020 and last July’s Freedom Day.

People are advised to take lateral flow tests (LFTs) before entering any “high-risk setting”, including busy areas and some workplaces.

Vaccine passports

Vaccine passports were also launched for large venues like football matches and nightclubs.

At the moment the definition of fully-vaccinated is two jabs rather than three, and a negative lateral flow test will also count.

Face masks

Mandatory face masks – the third prong of the Government’s Plan B – were already in force for shops and public transport since November 30, 2021, to stem the rising tide of Omicron.

Plan B has extended to all “crowded and enclosed settings” which includes large capacity venues.

It includes theatres, cinemas and hairdressers – but not in pubs or restaurants, or venues such as gyms where it’s “not practical”.