Weddings CAN go ahead from April 12 with 15 people and outdoor receptions after industry fears

IT has been confirmed that weddings CAN go ahead from April 12 with 15 guests and outdoor receptions.

Ministers relented after claims that 7,000 couples would be forced to cancel their big day amid confusing government guidelines.

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Weddings CAN go ahead from April 12 with 15 people and outdoor receptions after industry fears
Weddings will be allowed go ahead from April 12

Earlier this month it was thought celebrations for up to 15 people would be allowed from April 12 — but this only applied to places of worship, public buildings or outdoor spaces.

All other venues, about seven in ten, were to remain closed until restrictions eased on May 17.

However, the UK Weddings Taskforce said today that the government clarified that hotels and licensed premises would be allowed to hold ceremonies with 15 guests indoors – even though the venues would not be allowed to open otherwise.

The industry body also confirmed that the government had said that there would be no flexibility on the tough restrictions for receptions.

“The rules for wedding receptions are different,” the task force said.

“The evidence shows that it is safer for people to meet outdoors rather than indoors. 

“That is why at Step 2 – no earlier than 12 April – wedding receptions can resume but must take place outdoors.

“These cannot take place in private gardens and should only take place in a Covid-secure venue.”

Weddings Taskforce spokeswoman Sarah Haywood told the MailOnline: “We understand why the activities of [the] sector were curtailed when we were in the eye of the storm, battling the pandemic and protecting lives. 

“But with the successful vaccine rollout and the opportunities offered by testing to establish the Covid-status, we do not understand why this sector is once again left behind. 

“We can host events within the guidelines just as venues who host wider events will be doing for those.” 

Earlier this month the UK Weddings Taskforce blamed the government for the inconsistency in guidelines putting 7,000 couples’ wedding plans in jeopardy.

It said: “We believe the Government should honour the reasonable assumptions made by couples, venues, suppliers and their own registrars.”

In February, Boris Johnson announced that up to 15 people would be able to attend weddings and receptions when the restrictions eased in March.

But there was confusion over whether those rules would apply to weddings held indoors or outdoors.

It stated that from April 12 “Weddings, receptions, and commemorative events including wakes will be able to take place with up to 15 attendees (in premises that are permitted to open).”

The attendance figure is expected to rise by May before all limits on the number of guests are to be removed in June.

Meanwhile, Monday marks the next milestone in the government’s road to freedom out of England’s third lockdown.

The ‘stay at home’ message will be ditched as new rules come into force in England.

Under the new rules, Brits are encouraged to ‘stay local’ – but this has not been officially defined.

People are encouraged to remain close to where they live, but this will not be legally enforced.