Watch Matt Hancock affair video of Health Secretary kissing Gina Coladangelo

MARRIED Matt Hancock was today branded a hypocrite for canoodling with his mistress despite preaching to the nation to hug “carefully”.

We exclusively revealed the Health Secretary’s affair with aide Gina Coladangelo, including how they were caught on camera snogging on May 6.

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Watch Matt Hancock affair video of Health Secretary kissing Gina Coladangelo
All clear… exclusive Sun images of the May 6 clinch shows Hancock checking no one is heading for his office by looking out of the door
Watch Matt Hancock affair video of Health Secretary kissing Gina Coladangelo
Not so social distanced… Matt Hancock and Gina Coladangelo get close
Watch Matt Hancock affair video of Health Secretary kissing Gina Coladangelo
Look of love… the pair seem relaxed and happy to be alone

Trending In The News can today tell how they were “all over each other” again this week in the same ninth-floor Whitehall office.

On May 16 — with indoor hugging still banned — Hancock warned the country: “We should all be careful. We all know the risks. Of course there are people who have been yearning to have some physical contact. 

“You should do that carefully. If you’ve had both jabs more than two weeks ago, that’s much safer.” 

He also told Sky News that he planned to hug his dad when some restrictions were lifted the next day, May 17, saying: “We’ll probably do it outside and keep the ventilation going.”

He added: “Personal responsibility is an important mantra here . . . people have been so responsible in the crisis, they’ve really listened and followed the guidance and that’s the approach we should take together.”

 Hancock today apologised for breaching social distancing with DoH non-executive director Gina, the wife of Oliver Bonas founder Oliver Tress.

Exclusive Sun images of the May 6 clinch shows Hancock checking no one is heading for his office by looking out of the door.

 He appears to deliberately stand in front of the door as he welcomes millionaire Gina. 

They kiss passionately and he moved his hand to her bottom. 

Watch Matt Hancock affair video of Health Secretary kissing Gina Coladangelo
Sweet nothings… Gina whispers in the Health Secretary’s ear
Watch Matt Hancock affair video of Health Secretary kissing Gina Coladangelo
Puckering up… the pair take each other in their arms and move together for a tender kiss

At the time, Hancock had received one dose of vaccine, on April 29. A social media user blasted today: “To be crystal clear, this picture was taken with two-metre social distancing rules still in place at workplaces. 

“The issue here is not Matt Hancock’s infidelity, it is his world-beating hypocrisy. Write the rules. Tell the little people to obey. Then break them with impunity.” 

Ex-GMB host Piers Morgan added: “At the time he was ordering people not to hug anyone from other households.” 

Another social media user fumed: “There are people that genuinely went months without hugging their families after following his advice. Quite sad really!”

Speaking of this week’s clinch in the same office, a source said: “It’s utterly shameless. It’s clear the relationship is far from a one-off. Lord knows how many times they have done it in the past. Only Hancock’s ministerial staff are allowed on the floor so it’s clear he thinks it’s some sort of safe haven. He’s well aware of the cameras. But the bottom line is they just don’t seem to care.

“I’m told the news went round DoH staff really quickly.

“Employees there were telling each other ‘they’re at it again’. The hypocrisy is disgusting.”

Other pictures show the pair giggling during a secret dinner date on May 23.

Diners at Peruvian restaurant Ayllu, in Paddington, West London, said the pair looked just like a couple as they sank white wine together after 10pm.

One diner told Trending In The News: “Our group were the last big table left. As another table got up I saw Matt Hancock with a woman I assumed was his wife.

“They were pretty flirty and over-friendly — a bit too close for it to be a business meeting. I thought he was just winding down after a long week. But I had no idea it wasn’t his wife.”

Hancock and Gina were also spotted walking in the Nova development in Victoria, central London, close to his office after 9pm on April 26. 

A passer-by said: “They were looking very relaxed in each other’s company.” 

Watch Matt Hancock affair video of Health Secretary kissing Gina Coladangelo
Mwah! Mwah! They kiss passionately and he moved his hand to her bottom
Watch Matt Hancock affair video of Health Secretary kissing Gina Coladangelo
Get a room… the pair can’t keep their hands off each other

Two weeks later, on May 12, they and a male aide ate outside at the River Cafe. A diner added: “I googled to see who she was, and realised it wasn’t his wife. There was a lot of giggling and chatting between Hancock and her.”

Hancock — who has three children with wife of 15 years, Martha, 44 — made no public apology to her yesterday. 

Downing Street said PM Boris Johnson accepted Mr Hancock’s apology and considered the matter closed.

Watch Matt Hancock affair video of Health Secretary kissing Gina Coladangelo