BRITS have been urged to be on the lookout for signs of a deadly Victorian disease after an outbreak at a university.
Medics in Wales have reassured the public that the risk of contracting tuberculosis (TB) ‘remains relatively low’.

Three students at a university campus have tested positive for the illness – eight months after coming into close contact with someone who died from the disease.
The multi-agency Outbreak Control Team (OCT) have been working with the University of Wales Trinity St David to establish contacts of those affected.
Screening for the illness is also currently taking place.
The person who died from the disease sadly passed away in October 2021.
Read more on Victorian illness
Close contacts of this person have since been diagnosed with TB and are receiving treatment.
Community screening for TB has been in place in Wales since 2019 and went on throughout the coronavirus pandemic.
TB is a bacterial infection that spreads through the body when someone inhales tiny droplets from coughs or sneezes of an infected person.
The illness mainly affects the lungs but can also have an impact on the tummy, bones, glands and nervous system.
It is curable and can be treated with antibiotics.
Dr Brendan Mason, Consultant in Communicable Disease Control for Public Health Wales said work is continuing in the area to identify close contacts of the three people who have been diagnosed with active TB.
He said: “Our investigations have shown that the three individuals with active TB are all closely linked to the person who sadly died in October 2021.
“TB is difficult to transmit. It requires close and prolonged contact with an infectious individual for a person to become infected.
“Therefore, the university community and local residents can be reassured that the risk to the general public is extremely low.
“We have identified all the close contacts of the deceased person and they are receiving the necessary TB screening and follow up.
“Work is continuing to identify the close contacts of the three cases of active TB, all of whom will be invited for TB screening by Hywel Dda UHB.”