UK faces New Year ‘perfect storm’ chaos of floods, pandemic flu, strikes and Brexit no-deal, leaked Govt papers warn

THE UK is facing a perfect storm of a no deal Brexit, pandemic flu, floods and strikes, leaked Government papers warn.

A report warns that there is a “notable risk” that the country could be hit by a series of disasters including battling Covid.

UK faces New Year ‘perfect storm’ chaos of floods, pandemic flu, strikes and Brexit no-deal, leaked Govt papers warn
Lorries in long queues as French authorities conduct Brexit border tests 
UK faces New Year ‘perfect storm’ chaos of floods, pandemic flu, strikes and Brexit no-deal, leaked Govt papers warn
A member of the public receives a flu vaccine sat in her car

A confidential Cabinet Office briefing states: “Winter 2020 could see a combination of severe flooding, pandemic influenza, a novel emerging infectious disease and coordinated industrial action, against a backdrop of the end of the [Brexit] transition period.”

According to the Guardian, the report was marked as “official and sensitive” and warned of the problems back in September.

It is understood to detail the government plans for a “worst case” scenario across 20 different areas affected by the last stages of Brexit.

Boris Johnson’s Cabinet has warned all departments to prepare for a “no deal” departure as the deadline draws closer.

The paper summaries Whitehall’s views on the current state of the UK, which is that it is struggling to overcome the current crisis but bracing itself for more problems, says The Guardian.

It warns of a “systematic economic crisis” in which British and global food supply chains will be disrupted by “circumstances occurring concurrently at the end of the year”.

The paper claims there will be no overall food shortages, but stockpiles built in 2019 were depleted during the pandemic.

UK faces New Year ‘perfect storm’ chaos of floods, pandemic flu, strikes and Brexit no-deal, leaked Govt papers warn
Severe flooding could a factor this winter
UK faces New Year ‘perfect storm’ chaos of floods, pandemic flu, strikes and Brexit no-deal, leaked Govt papers warn
More strikes could also be on the way, officials warn

That could mean reduced availability in some fresh supplies and prices pushed up.

It also warns that families on a low income will be the most at risk of going hungry if there is a no-deal Brexit.

The Cabinet Office said it did not comment on the contents of leaked documents, but said it was part of “intensive planning” to support individuals and citizens at the end of the transition period.

“As a responsible government we continue to make extensive preparations for a wide range of scenarios, including the reasonable worst case.

“This is not a forecast or prediction of what will happen but rather a stretching scenario. It reflects a responsible government ensuring we are ready for all eventualities,” a spokesperson said.

Some of the starkest descriptions are reserved for the health and social care sectors.

“The pandemic has and will continue to limit the capacity of the health and care sector to prepare for and respond to the end of the transition period,” it warns, noting expectations of a “sustained level of system disruption from November until at least April”.

The government had not expected Brexit to cause a major change in this area, but an increase in inflation that pushes up staff and supply costs “may lead to provider failure”.