UK Covid deaths lowest in seven WEEKS with 33 fatalities in a day with 35,077 cases

CORONAVIRUS deaths in the UK have dropped to the lowest number of fatalities in seven weeks.

There have been 33 deaths in the past 24 hours from the virus, the lowest since August 16, which saw 26.

UK Covid deaths lowest in seven WEEKS with 33 fatalities in a day with 35,077 cases
Coronavirus cases have dropped from this time last week
UK Covid deaths lowest in seven WEEKS with 33 fatalities in a day with 35,077 cases
The number of deaths has also dropped to the lowest since August

The number of people who tested positive for the virus is also down, with 35,077 infections today compared to 37,960 the previous week.

It comes as a new Delta variant in the UK has doubled in cases in weeks, amid fears it could escape Covid vaccines.

Delta is now the dominant form of the virus, but this new mutation is potentially worrying due to an extra element in its genetic makeup.

The extra mutation, called E484K, has been proven to be “immune escaping” in the past, meaning it can hide from the immune system.

Antibodies produced by the immune system in response to vaccines still work but are not as potent against this coronavirus mutation, studies have shown.

For example, jabs are known to be less effective against Beta, which carries E484K.

In the UK there have now been 33 cases of Delta + E484K as of September 27, this is double the figure of 17 reported on September 13.

The figures come as Johnson & Johnson’s jab has now been linked to a new “rare” blood clotting condition.

European drugs regulators said the possibly life-threatening condition is set to be included on the side effects warning.

Experts agree getting vaccinated far outweighs any small risk of an adverse side effect.

There have been incidents where people have suffered a serious reaction to their Covid jab, but this has been a very small percentage of those vaccinated.Reacting badly to any vaccination is very rare, with any side effects usually minimal.

UK Covid deaths lowest in seven WEEKS with 33 fatalities in a day with 35,077 cases
Deaths fromthe virus are continuing to drop