Two million extra Covid jabs will hit vaccination centres in days as booster shots fast-tracked to immunise Brits

TWO MILLION extra coronavirus jabs will hit vaccination centres in just days as booster shots are fast-tracked to get Brits immunised.

The most vulnerable will get the jabs in the coming weeks after No 10 prioritised the first injection.

Two million extra Covid jabs will hit vaccination centres in days as booster shots fast-tracked to immunise Brits
The vaccine rollout has been super-charged to ensure the most vulnerable get their first jab
Two million extra Covid jabs will hit vaccination centres in days as booster shots fast-tracked to immunise Brits

There are also more than five million finished doses waiting final checks and rollout plans – all of which can be sped up this week, officials told The Times.

At a press conference last week Boris Johnson explained that an initial shot of the vaccine was shown to immunise against the most serious cases of Covid-19, as No 10 vowed to get as many people inoculated with the first jab as possible.

The second, booster shot, can now wait a little longer as the country’s medics battle to vaccinate the top four most vulnerable groups in the UK by February.

The huge undertaking would mean millions of people getting vaccinated per week – with current numbers in the hundreds-of-thousands.

And more than a million people have already been vaccinated, the PM said, including 23 per cent of over 80s.

No 10 now also plans to release daily vaccination figures as Brits inch closer day-by-day to some semblance of normality with the vaccine being the light at the end of the tunnel.

It comes as the UK was plunged into a fresh lockdown Monday, with March-style measures in place and a tough “stay at home” message rolled out once more.

But the PM also attempted to reassure Brits that his plan to vaccinate everyone was on track, just hours after he ordered everyone to stay at home.

Mr Johnson promised that the Government’s new strategy to give out as many first doses as possible was the right one – and would save lives.

He said: “With Pfizer and Oxford/AstraZeneca combined – as of this afternoon – we have now vaccinated over 1.1 million people in England and over 1.3 million across the UK.

“And that includes more than 650,000 people over 80 – which is 23 per cent of all the over 80s in England.

“And that means that nearly 1 in 4 of one of the most vulnerable groups will have in 2 to 3 weeks – all of them – a significant degree of immunity.”

He said that it was vital to consider the importance of the huge progress so far.

The average age of Covid fatalities is in the 80s, he added.

Two million extra Covid jabs will hit vaccination centres in days as booster shots fast-tracked to immunise Brits
Boris Johnson vowed to inoculate the most vulnerable groups in the UK by next month
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