Trump says Biden is ‘lying or mentally gone’ after President claimed there was NO Covid vaccine when he took office

FORMER President Donald Trump on Wednesday said his successor Joe Biden was lying or “mentally gone” for claiming there were no coronavirus vaccines when he entered the White House.

Trump broke his silence in an interview with Newsmax, bashing President Biden’s remarks in a CNN town hall the night before.

Trump says Biden is ‘lying or mentally gone’ after President claimed there was NO Covid vaccine when he took office
Ex-President Donald Trump said President Joe Biden was lying or ‘mentally gone’ for saying there were not coronavirus vaccines when he entered the White House

During the town hall in Milwaukee, Biden said: “It’s one thing to have the vaccine – which we didn’t have when we came into office – but a vaccinator: How do you get the vaccine into someone’s arm?”

Trump, among other critics, slammed Biden and noted that coronavirus vaccines were available since mid-December. 

“We were giving millions of shots, millions of doses,” Trump told Newsmax host Greg Kelly over the phone.

“So he was either not telling the truth or he’s mentally gone. One or the other.”

Trump says Biden is ‘lying or mentally gone’ after President claimed there was NO Covid vaccine when he took office
President Joe Biden in a CNN town hall said ‘we didn’t have [vaccines] when we came into office’

Trump continued that “Joe Biden’s been killed on that thing.” 

“Even the haters said, well wait a minute, this vaccine was announced long before.”

The former president also said that Biden received the coronavirus vaccine “long before January 20” when he was inaugurated as the 46th president. 

Trump says Biden is ‘lying or mentally gone’ after President claimed there was NO Covid vaccine when he took office
Ex-President Donald Trump bashed President Joe Biden in a phone interview with Newsmax

Trump did not hold back in driving the point home.

“He made the statement that we had no vaccine. Literally, quote, we had no vaccine,” he said of Biden.

“He is getting lit up on that one. Even the bad ones. Even the ones that aren’t exactly fans, they were saying that was a bad statement.”

Trump says Biden is ‘lying or mentally gone’ after President claimed there was NO Covid vaccine when he took office
President Joe Biden referred to his predecessor Donald Trump as ‘the former guy’ during a CNN town hall

Trump said that it was maybe worth giving Biden the benefit of the doubt, that he could be joking, “because frankly that was a very dumb statement.”  

Biden took office criticizing the Trump administration’s handling and rollout of coronavirus vaccines, saying they were being distributed and administered at too slow of a pace.

The Democrat set a goal to administer 100million vaccines in his first 100 days in office. 

Trump says Biden is ‘lying or mentally gone’ after President claimed there was NO Covid vaccine when he took office
Ex-President Donald Trump said President Joe Biden made ‘a very dumb statement’ about the vaccines not being there when he entered the White House

On Tuesday during the town hall, Biden said that every American who wants to take the coronavirus jab will be able to access it by the end of July. 

“We’ll have over 600million doses – enough to vaccinate every single American,” Biden said. 

Biden seemed to contradict himself on the vaccine availability during the town hall.

“We came into office, there was only 50 million doses that are available,” Biden said. 

“I mean there was nothing in the refrigerator figuratively or literally speaking.”

While speaking about his commitment to pass a $1.9trillion Covid-19 relief bill, Biden referred to Trump as “the former guy.”