The vaccine will not save us from the effects of oppressive government policy

IN March, Professor Neil Ferguson’s team at Imperial College had a sombre warning, which has been vindicated.

Aggressive measures to reduce transmission of the virus, it said, “will need to be maintained until a vaccine is available, given we predict transmission will rebound if interventions are relaxed”.

The vaccine will not save us from the effects of oppressive government policy
The government has reintroduced aggressive measures to reduce transmission of the virus

As a permanent lockdown would have been impossible, the Government didn’t try it.

We are for ever being told not to blow it now by throwing away our past efforts. Truth is, our past efforts have been useless.

The prospect that a vaccine will be generally available in the next three months has changed the narrative.

We are being told an indefinite lockdown would be fine now that vaccination is close.

This is big-stakes poker. Encouraging the vulnerable to isolate speaks to their instinct for self-preservation.

Ordering the young and healthy to isolate conflicts with every instinct of social animals and defies human nature.

The vaccine will not save us from the effects of oppressive government policy


Worse, it is morally disreputable. The young are at virtually no risk.

Inflicting serious mental problems on children and teaching them that they are killing their grandparents is cruel. Forcing graduates to take jobs as delivery drivers is wasteful.

Destroying businesses to relieve the Government of the consequences of years of underfunding the NHS is destructive.

Saddling the upcoming generation with debt and taxes to pay for a few months or years of life for some of my generation is oppressive.

They are consequences not of the epidemic but of avoidable government policy.

The vaccine will not mitigate the destructive consequences of government action.

They will be with us for decades.

  • As first told to the Daily Telegraph.


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