THE Queen is already “getting over” her bout of Covid and only ever displayed “very mild symptoms”, Trending In The News can reveal.
Her Majesty has been an inspiration to the nation since the start of the pandemic and now shows that even a 95-year-old can shake off the virus.

As her symptoms wore off, she was today able to hold her weekly meeting with Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
The Queen remains in isolation in Windsor Castle since her positive test was revealed on Sunday and the head to head with Boris was done on a video call.
It’s never revealed what is spoken about these meetings but it’s likely the Ukraine crisis was top of Her Majesty’s agenda.
A Royal source told Trending In The News: “She’s already getting over it – amazing to think that she’s done it so quickly.
“She only ever displayed mild symptoms.
“That’s why she’s such an inspiration. Positive test revealed on Sunday, meeting with the Prime Minister on Wednesday.
“Not bad for 95.”
Her Majesty was forced to cancel video engagements earlier this week as she began her speedy recovery.
Princess Anne left Windsor Castle today after spending two days there as her mother the Queen continues to self-isolate with Covid.
The Princess Royal, 71, had been holding investiture ceremonies on Tuesday at the castle and hosted an awards ceremony for Women into Science and Engineering (WISE) that evening.
She was seen being driven out of the grounds on Wednesday afternoon in another clear indication that The Queen is on the mend.
The Queen has led from the front since the start of the Covid crisis – with inspirational speeches from Windsor Castle.
In April 2020 she said: “While we have faced challenges before, this one is different.
“This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal. We will succeed – and that success will belong to every one of us.
“We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return: we will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again.”