Sherrie Hewson hails The Sun’s ‘amazing’ Jabs Army as she volunteers at vaccination centre

TV actress Sherrie Hewson flashes Trending In The News’s Jabs Army badge as she volunteers at a vaccination centre.

The ex-Corrie star, 70, also received her second Oxford/AstraZeneca dose.

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Sherrie Hewson hails The Sun’s ‘amazing’ Jabs Army as she volunteers at vaccination centre
Sherrie Hewson flashed Trending In The News’s Jabs Army badge while volunteering at a vaccination centre
Sherrie Hewson hails The Sun’s ‘amazing’ Jabs Army as she volunteers at vaccination centre
The ex-Corrie star also received her second Oxford/AstraZeneca dose

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She was put to work dishing out hand gel as patients arrived at Bolton’s Tonge Moor Health Centre.

Sherrie, who has also been in Benidorm and Emmerdale, said: “I’m here with the amazing Jabs Army to join their ranks and do a bit of volunteering.

“The people here are doing the most amazing job. I’m so grateful.

“I was gobsmacked to hear how many people signed up, and are still signing up to do their bit.

“It’s incredible to see all the work they’ve put in.

Sherrie Hewson hails The Sun’s ‘amazing’ Jabs Army as she volunteers at vaccination centre
After giving residents their second jab at a nearby care home, staff and volunteers were presented with a Covid-themed cake as a thank-you
Sherrie Hewson hails The Sun’s ‘amazing’ Jabs Army as she volunteers at vaccination centre
Sherrie was put to work dishing out hand gel as patients arrived at Bolton’s Tonge Moor Health Centre
Sherrie Hewson hails The Sun’s ‘amazing’ Jabs Army as she volunteers at vaccination centre
Sherrie said she was ‘gobsmacked’ to hear how many people had signed up to volunteer
Sherrie Hewson hails The Sun’s ‘amazing’ Jabs Army as she volunteers at vaccination centre

“This country has been absolutely amazing with vaccines and volunteers are crucial to that.”

The clinic was the first to deliver jabs in December.

GP Andrew Hill said: “We initially thought we’d start the ball rolling and then move to somewhere bigger but it’s been such a successful operation we’ve just stayed here.

“We cover 45,000 people in this area and so far we’ve given 16,000 jabs from here alone.

“I don’t think we could have done it without the volunteers.

“The volunteers have been clinical staff giving jabs, and non-clinical volunteers which include people marshalling car parks, cleaners.


Sherrie Hewson hails The Sun’s ‘amazing’ Jabs Army as she volunteers at vaccination centre

“Everybody has mucked in and helped us with this.

“It wouldn’t have been possible without them and I think it’s given them a purpose during this very difficult time too.”

After giving residents their second jab at a nearby care home, staff and volunteers were presented with a Covid-themed cake as a thank-you.

Sherrie Hewson hails The Sun’s ‘amazing’ Jabs Army as she volunteers at vaccination centre