Sajid Javid’s declaration vaccine passports will be scrapped is a win for liberty

Win for liberty

WITH any luck, Sajid Javid’s declaration that vaccine passports are no longer in the offing will be the final word on the subject.

Likewise the Health Secretary’s vow to roll back other intrusive, needless Covid measures, and the scrapping of PCR tests for double-jabbed holidaymakers.

Sajid Javid’s declaration vaccine passports will be scrapped is a win for liberty
Sajid Javid’s declaration vaccine passports will be scrapped is a win for liberty

The Government’s decision to rely on vaccines as our Plan A — backed up by booster jabs for the vulnerable — hopefully signals interference in our lives will be minimised as we learn to live with Covid permanently.

Plan B, including more face masks and working from home, would be a backwards step we are sure ministers do not wish to take.

We are especially cheered by Mr Javid’s assurance that family Christmases will not need to be sacrificed this year, after last year’s flip-flopping festive fiasco.

We’ll hold your chestnuts to the fire on that one, Saj.

Spot the policy

ONLY Keir Starmer could answer critics’ claim that voters have no idea what he stands for by writing a 14,000-word essay . . . without any policies.

The Labour leader’s novella-length mission statement only shows he is incapable of turning his interminable waffle into a message the public will swallow.

His essay is 200 times as long as a Spot The Dog book, and we suspect it contains roughly as much political insight.

Sure, the Government’s muddled messaging has been infuriating.

But Labour’s fear of committing to anything beyond tutting at Tories is doubly so.

Arrr you joking?

WHY are council busybodies concerning themselves with a kiddies’ pirate flag on display in a gran’s garden?

It’s hard to see why petty enforcers thought care worker Maria Lambert’s Jolly Roger “breached advertising rules”.

What did they think she was selling? Pieces of eight? Peglegs? Parrots?

Next time councils try to hike taxes, we hope voters remember what a vast (or should that be avast?) amount of cash is wasted on nonsense like this.

And tell the jobsworths to take a long walk off a short plank.

Radical thinker

WHAT a breath of fresh air our new tennis champion Emma Raducanu is.

The 18-year-old says she’ll frame a letter from the Queen, and hailed her as “a role model for the whole country”.

Contrast the pride of Emma — who came here from Canada aged two with her Romanian dad and Chinese mum — with the Oxford students who this year removed a portrait of Her Majesty in protest at Britain’s “colonial history”.

For an intelligent take on the Queen, we’ll side with “queen of Queens” Emma.