Revellers hit Welsh towns as nightclubs are finally reopened for first time since Christmas as Covid curbs are lifted

REVELLERS hit Welsh towns yesterday as nightclubs FINALLY reopened for the first time since Christmas.

People in Wales no longer need to stick to social distancing rules in pubs and clubs – as punters headed out for the first time in a month with Covid curbs lifted.

Revellers hit Welsh towns as nightclubs are finally reopened for first time since Christmas as Covid curbs are lifted
Girls made the most of the lack of restrictions on Swansea’s Wind Street
Revellers hit Welsh towns as nightclubs are finally reopened for first time since Christmas as Covid curbs are lifted
Punters went out and celebrated as nightclubs opened for the first time in a month

Nightclubs were the only business that were forced to close outright on December 26 – following the spread of Omicron last month.

But First Minister Mark Drakeford moved to Covid alert level zero yesterday – meaning clubs could reopen and social distancing rules were scrapped.

And in Wales, the rule of six now no longer apply to gatherings in venues such as hospitality, cinemas, and theatres.

Crowds will be able to return to outdoor sporting events as the Six Nations rugby tournament kicks off next week.

But people in Wales will still need to show Covid passes at larger outdoor events attended by more than 4,000 unseated guests, or 10,000 seated.

This also includes in nightclubs, cinemas, theatres, and concert halls.

The legal requirement to work from home has also ended as Wales returns to normality.

But in Wales, people will still have to wear masks in shops, hospitals and public transport.

And face coverings are still required in Welsh schools until the February half-term.

Revellers hit Welsh towns as nightclubs are finally reopened for first time since Christmas as Covid curbs are lifted
Revellers queued for pubs and bars across the country
Revellers hit Welsh towns as nightclubs are finally reopened for first time since Christmas as Covid curbs are lifted
People in Wales no longer need to social distance at bars and pubs – but masks still need to be worn on public transport and in shops
Revellers hit Welsh towns as nightclubs are finally reopened for first time since Christmas as Covid curbs are lifted
Punters enjoyed a night out following the month of Covid restrictions

The Covid restrictions were put in place on Boxing Day amid the Omicron spread.

But Wales has passed its latest peak of Covid cases – with rates now around levels last seen in early December.

Mark Drakeford said: “We should enjoy the moment.

“We are past the peak of the Omicron wave and back, in terms of numbers, to where we were before Omicron began.

“We all need to continue taking steps to stay safe – unfortunately the pandemic is not over yet.

“We are moving to alert level zero and we will retain some important protections, such as face coverings in most indoor public places and risk assessments.

“We can do this thanks to the hard work and efforts of everyone in Wales and the remarkable success of our vaccine and booster programmes. Thank you all.”


Meanwhile in Scotland, ‘power mad’ Nicola Sturgeon yesterday sparked fury by trying to make her lockdown powers permanent.

The union-hating Scot wants to keep draconian laws that would let her close schools and place Scots under virtual house arrest at the stroke of a pen.

The Scottish Government insisted the move would help combat “future public health threats”.

But shocked rivals lashed the “sinister” plan.

Scottish Tory MP Andrew Bowie said: “The Scottish Government have gone power mad.

“It is completely unacceptable for them to be suggesting that the powers granted to them, in an emergency situation, should be held in perpetuity.

“The desperate desire to control people’s lives is depressing and sinister.

“These were emergency powers for emergency times.

“We need to get back to normality.”

Revellers hit Welsh towns as nightclubs are finally reopened for first time since Christmas as Covid curbs are lifted
Social distancing was scrapped – but Covid passes are still needed to go clubbing in Wales
Revellers hit Welsh towns as nightclubs are finally reopened for first time since Christmas as Covid curbs are lifted
The curbs were put in place on Boxing Day – but have now been lifted
Revellers hit Welsh towns as nightclubs are finally reopened for first time since Christmas as Covid curbs are lifted
Revellers enjoyed the freedom as the Welsh returned to clubs and pubs without social distancing rules
Revellers hit Welsh towns as nightclubs are finally reopened for first time since Christmas as Covid curbs are lifted
Girls gathered as they hit the town in Swansea