Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend

REVELLERS made the most of the much longed-for bank holiday sunshine with a night out on the town.

Boozed-up Brits took advantage of the three-day weekend with an evening at the pub.

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Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
Boozy Brits made the most of the long weekend with a night out
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
The miserable May rain has finally stopped – meaning these two friends could dress up for the evening
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
One girl enjoying a night on the Toon in Newcastle got a piggy-back home

Chelsea fans had a particularly good night after the club’s Champions League win, with supporters pictured partying on the streets of London.

But the long-awaited arrival of some late spring sunshine put everyone – bar Man City fans – in a good mood.

Temperatures soared to 23C on Saturday, driving millions across the country to beaches and parks to soak up the sun.

Many of those who made the most of the weather then hit the town.

And there’ll be plenty of sore heads tomorrow.

Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
Two friends chatted as they walked arm-in-arm for their night out
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
Birmingham’s Broad Street was particularly busy tonight
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
A group of lads – one dressed as a bride – smiled for photographers
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
One man had a little help getting home after deciding he was too tired to walk further

City centres including Leeds and Birmingham have been particularly busy.

Girls out in Birmingham’s popular Broad Street ended the night by taking off painful shoes before heading home.

A group of men – one dressed as a bride – beamed for photographers amid one of the first big nights out of the year.

In Leeds, one woman enjoying the evening carried a full bottle of rosé wine through the street.

Others smiled and wrapped their arms around each other to celebrate relaxed rules on hugging.

Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
But the return to high heels proved too much for one group of girls, who were pictured changing out of the painful shoes
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
The good weather is set to continue, with revellers likely to head out again on Sunday night
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
Leeds was also busy as friends made the most of their days off

It’s likely the fun will continue in the days to come.

Forecasters say Monday is set to be the hottest day of the year so far, with a 25C scorcher predicted.

Met Office meteorologist Alex Deakin said: “Sunglasses, a sun hat and sun screen are definitely required this weekend.

“Finally, some warm sunshine on offer this May after what has been a very, very chilly month.”

And Mr Deakin’s colleague Matthew Box said the news would be a “welcome change” for many.

Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
Towards the end of the night, friends made the most of the mild weather to sit out and eat a takeaway
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
But the fun was set to continue on for one reveller seen holding an open bottle of wine
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
Friends have been delighted to see each other and head inside for a wine after months apart
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
Girls gathered together for a photo at the end of a night out in Newcastle

He said: “Given that we have had a reasonably cold and then a wet couple of months through spring, with April being cold and May being wet and cloudy and generally on the cool side too, we’ve got a sunny end to May.”

The warm weather is set to continue for the first half of June as the Met Office’s long-range forecast predicts the heatwave will stay for up to two weeks.

Brits were finally allowed to meet up at the bar again in the third stage of Boris Johnson’s roadmap to freedom.

From May 17, we’ve been able to head abroad, sit inside with friends and family and even have casual sex.

But a return to normality looks set to be delayed amid the spread of the Indian mutation.

Currently, it’s hoped all restrictions will lift on June 21 – meaning clubs could open, huge crowds could return to the football and festivals would be able to take place.

However, while the Government hopes to scrap social distancing next month, face masks and work from home guidance could stay in place beyond ‘freedom day’.

The Treasury is said to be prioritising the end of the ‘one metre-plus’ rule in a bid to kickstart the economy.

Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
The streets of London were heaving after Chelsea’s triumph
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
Fans gathered to enjoy a huge celebration
Revellers hit the town in Leeds and Birmingham as boozed-up Brits take advantage of the three-day weekend
Thousands gathered together to celebrate