Republican senators in fierce Georgia election fight push ‘major’ bill to get Americans $2,000 stimulus checks

TWO Republican Senators in the Georgia runoffs have introduced “major legislation” to the majority leader in order to secure $2000 stimulus checks.

Mich McConnell twice blocked Donald Trump’s move to pass a bill increasing stimulus checks from $600 to $2000 during the coronavirus pandemic.

Republican senators in fierce Georgia election fight push ‘major’ bill to get Americans $2,000 stimulus checks
Loeffler and Perdue are a handful of Republican senators backing Trump’s push for increased stimulus payments
Republican senators in fierce Georgia election fight push ‘major’ bill to get Americans $2,000 stimulus checks
$600 stimulus checks have been hitting back accounts since New Year’s Day

Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, who are running for the Georgia senate seats, have written a bill that would deliver help to Georgians – but would also satisfying demands by majority leader McConnell to open an election fraud committee.

The Republican refused a vote on the checks unless Democrats agreed to take back legal protections for social media companies and establish a voter fraud commission.

McConnell on Friday blasted the checks as “socialism for the rich.”

He also described the money as a “universal cash giveaway,” adding: “Borrowing from our grandkids to do socialism for rich people is a terrible way to get help to families who actually need it.”

According to a press release from the two Senators, who will run during the January 5 election, the bill includes a previous Loeffler-Perdue back bill titled Securing America’s Future Elections and Votes (or SAFE Votes) Act.

The aim of the act is to create a bipartisan commission to review the 2020 election and report to Congress with recommendations to strengthen election integrity in future contests.

Republican senators in fierce Georgia election fight push ‘major’ bill to get Americans $2,000 stimulus checks
Republican senators in fierce Georgia election fight push ‘major’ bill to get Americans $2,000 stimulus checks
Supporters of Kelly Loeffler gather during a Georgia rally

A joint statement read:“ We have put together a robust legislative package that will benefit every Georgian and deliver $2,000 to those in need.

“This legislation also includes the SAFE VOTES Act – the Perdue-Loeffler bill to secure elections, and a full repeal of Section 230 to hold Big Tech accountable.”

“We strongly support this legislation aimed at helping families, safeguarding elections and stopping Big Tech’s censorship,” it added.

The runoff races in Georgia will see whether president elect Joe Biden will be able to freely execute his progressive agenda over the next four years with both legislatures in the hands of the Democrats.

It will essentially determine which party will take control of the house as Biden takes office.

With the current session of Congress coming to an end Sunday, Democrats – and the handful of Republicans in favor of the change – are running out of time to push it through the Senate.

The boost has already been passed by the House, but if it has not been agreed by Sunday, this becomes nullified and would have to be pushed through again.

And the latest round of checks hit bank accounts on New Year’s Day with Americans taking to social media to share their joy at the economic boost.

One person wrote: “Woke up to my Donnie Dollars deposit. 2021 rocks.”

Another added: “When your paycheck hits with a holiday & OT shift on it the same day as your stimulus check. What a day to celebrate.”