Prince Charles warns of ‘variable uptake’ of Covid-19 vaccine in ethnic minorities

PRINCE Charles has warned of the “variable uptake” of the Covid-19 vaccine in ethnic minorities.

The Prince of Wales, who had his jab earlier this month, described “particular challenges” in sections of society.

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Prince Charles warns of ‘variable uptake’ of Covid-19 vaccine in ethnic minorities
Prince Charles has warned of the ‘variable uptake’ of the Covid-19 vaccine in ethnic minorities

Expressing sadness as more than 100,000 have died from Covid-19 the Prince will make a keynote speech at a vaccine facts webinar for the British Asian Trust on Thursday.

He will hail the NHS and frontline workers adding: “We have needed every last reserve of their selfless service and commitment to help defeat this pernicious threat.

“Recently, I fear we have reached a most sobering milestone in this seemingly interminable campaign as we marked the tragic loss of a hundred thousand souls.

Prince Charles warns of ‘variable uptake’ of Covid-19 vaccine in ethnic minorities
The Prince of Wales will make a keynote speech at a vaccine facts webinar for the British Asian Trust on Thursday

“It is clear that the virus has affected all parts of the country, and all sections of society – but it is also clear that there are particular challenges faced in particular sections of our society, especially in some ethnic minority communities.

“What saddens me even further is to hear that those challenges are being made even worse by the variable uptake of the vaccines which finally offer us a way out of the suffering of the past year.”

More than 15 million Brits have had their first jab but there are fears about the low uptake in some ethnic minority groups.