Police are failing to crack down hard enough on Covid rule flouters, according to a poll of angry Brits

POLICE are failing to crack down hard enough on Covidiots, according to a poll of angry Brits.

More than half of people think they are too soft with those whose behaviour puts lives at risk.

Police are failing to crack down hard enough on Covid rule flouters, according to a poll of angry Brits
Brits want the cops to be tougher on Covidiots

Police are failing to crack down hard enough on Covid rule flouters, according to a poll of angry Brits
More than half of people think they are too soft with those whose behaviour puts lives at risk

They want tougher action against rule-breakers who hold illegal gatherings or refuse to wear a mask.

Forces have come under fire from MPs for their “over-zealous” approach to rule-breakers.

More than 30,000 fines have been dished out since the ­pandemic began for offences ranging from a stroll in the park to a mass rave party.

But most people think cops’ actions are not tough enough, an exclusive YouGov poll for Trending In The News on Sunday found.

Barely one in ten adults think officers have been heavy-handed in their efforts to maintain social distancing. And there is overwhelming support for most of the restrictions imposed by the Government.

The vast majority of people — 82 per cent — say they are following the guidelines at least as strictly as during the first lockdown.

They think the rules are clear on leaving home, which shops can stay open, when they should wear a mask and how support bubbles work.

Police are failing to crack down hard enough on Covid rule flouters, according to a poll of angry Brits
Opinion is split over how the government is handling various areas of the pandemic

Police are failing to crack down hard enough on Covid rule flouters, according to a poll of angry Brits
More than a third of people are dug in for another year of restrictions, with only three per cent expecting them to be eased in the next two months

Police are failing to crack down hard enough on Covid rule flouters, according to a poll of angry Brits
Most people think the PM’s efforts to contain the virus spread have been poor but that he’s done a good job protecting people’s livelihoods and rolling out the vaccine

Our poll shows they blame an irresponsible minority for spreading the virus while they stay at home. And seven out of ten are happy for cops to carry on their crackdown — and step it up if necessary.

More than a third of people are dug in for another year of restrictions, with only three per cent expecting them to be eased in the next two months.

Brits give a big thumbs-up for a wave of curbs, including closing schools and non-essential shops and compulsory mask-wearing. And nearly seven in ten, 69 per cent, would support laws forcing face-covering both outdoors and indoors. A similar number are opposed to the re-opening of high street shops.

More than half — 54 per cent — support the ban on pubs selling takeaway booze and 55 per cent would welcome a limit on how often you are allowed to exercise.

YouGov boss Anthony Wells said: “Most people claim they personally are still following the rules. However, they would like tougher police action to make sure others do so.”

Boris Johnson gets a mixed verdict on his response to the pandemic. Most people think the PM’s efforts to contain the virus spread have been poor but that he’s done a good job protecting people’s livelihoods and rolling out the vaccine.

They also let him off the hook for riding his bike seven miles from Downing Street, with 48 per cent saying it was acceptable.

And he’s urged to step up his jabs programme.

Police are failing to crack down hard enough on Covid rule flouters, according to a poll of angry Brits


Police are failing to crack down hard enough on Covid rule flouters, according to a poll of angry Brits
Eighty-two per cent want round-the-clock clinics, with 72 per cent prepared to attend in the middle of the night
Police are failing to crack down hard enough on Covid rule flouters, according to a poll of angry Brits
More than half — 54 per cent — support the ban on pubs selling takeaway booze

Eighty two per cent want round-the-clock clinics, with 72 per cent prepared to attend in the middle of the night.

But 87 per cent are braced for a large or fair amount of damage to the economy.

One in four fear they’ll lose their job, with five per cent saying they have lost theirs.