Piers Corbyn’s crazed theories are to blame for delay in unlocking

BRITAIN will pay a massive price for another month without fully unlocking.

If Boris Johnson announces a new delay tomorrow it won’t just restrict our enjoyment of a sports-packed summer.

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Piers Corbyn’s crazed theories are to blame for delay in unlocking
If your job or business is under threat from the latest delay, you can blame it on Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers’ deranged propaganda

New figures show it will cost the economy £1billion a week and threaten a further 300,000 jobs.

Parts of our battered and bruised hospitality industry may never bounce back.

One reason we are in this mess is the mind-numbing stupidity of the anti-vaccination conspiracy theorists.

The vast majority of those ending up in hospital with the Indian — or Delta — variant have not had jabs.

Some of these will have had their heads turned by the crackpot ideas of Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers and his pals, who spread their deranged propaganda on social media, aided by tech firms who seem to do nothing to stop this dangerous nonsense.

Typically, the former Labour leader has himself repeatedly refused to reveal whether he has been jabbed.

So if your job or business is under threat from the latest delay, you know whose crazed theories are to blame.

Mac’s pig ignorant

WE KNEW Emmanuel Macron was arrogant but in defending the EU’s attempts to stop Northern Ireland getting British bangers, the French President revealed he is ignorant too.

Pressed on whether he would accept a similar ban on Toulouse sausage going to Paris, he said it was not comparable as both cities are in the same country.

Piers Corbyn’s crazed theories are to blame for delay in unlocking
President Emmanuel Macron showed he was both arrogant and ignorant in an attempt to defend the EU’s position on Northern Ireland’s sausage ban

In other words, he thinks Brexit means Northern Ireland is no longer in the UK.

With stupidity like this, is it any wonder progress with the EU has been so hard?

Moreover, Brussels’ ludicrous red tape unnecessarily hampers the movement of many other products within our borders.

The PM is right to consider the suspension of trade rules.

After all, the EU didn’t hesitate to threaten it in January when they wanted to block British vaccines.

British bangers must stay in Bangor.

Pray for Christian

NO ONE watching could have failed to be moved by the sight of Denmark star Christian Eriksen’s distraught partner being consoled on the pitch after his collapse.

Miraculously, thanks to the swift intervention of medics, former Spurs hero Christian was last night stable in hospital.

Piers Corbyn’s crazed theories are to blame for delay in unlocking
Every football fan will be praying for former Spurs hero Christian’s full recovery

Every football fan will be praying for his full recovery.

Come on Christian — you can do it.

Piers Corbyn’s crazed theories are to blame for delay in unlocking