Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’

PANIC-BUYERS have queued around the block in the rain today to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid supermarket rationing.

Millions of shoppers across the UK have spent hours waiting in queues to buy food and other supplies this week.

Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Shoppers have queued up for hours in the rain
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Last minute Christmas shoppers queue in the pouring rain outside M&S in Chelsea, South West London
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Customers are stocking up on items before Christmas
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Long queues have formed as customers wait to shop
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Despite the rain, queues outside supermarkets have been long today
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
A shopper looks at empty shelves of meat products in a Sainsbury’s supermarket in north London
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Shoppers are stocking up on essential items
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Shoppers queue up in Leicester

The stockpiling has seen supermarket shelves stripped bare, and it has continued despite a border blockade being lifted.

Tesco yesterday brought back rationing limits on five items as panicking shoppers have given supermarkets record paydays by splashing out £2.5billion since Monday.

There have been fears supermarkets could run out of lettuce, cauliflower and citrus fruits due to a French travel ban due to a new strain of Covid.

Tesco has had “rationing” or stock limits on a number of items in place since September.

But now it has brought back a one loo roll per customer rule, as well as limiting shoppers to a maximum of three eggs, rice, soap and handwash.

Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
A woman carries her shopping to her car
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Supermarkets have introduced limits on certain products
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Shelves have been stripped bare by shoppers
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
A man carries his shopping to a car park after visiting a supermarket
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Shoppers queue outside a Costco
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
A queue forms outside a Waitrose in London
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Products have been flying off the shelves this week

The limits have been brought back to help deal with demand due to panic-buying, rather than product shortages.

French President Emmanuel Macron lifted a 48-hour blockade imposed amid fears over the new Covid strain last night.

The limits meant lorries carrying supplies were turned away at ports in Dover and Calais, causing a severe backlog.

Drivers destined for France can now show any recognised Covid test to gain entry.

Customers feared that the blockade would lead to a shortage of products in UK supermarkets, with imports unable to make it into Britain from Europe via Dover.

Despite Boris Johnson telling people to “shop normally”, keen shoppers have waited in long queues outside supermarkets.

Tempers flared as shops mixed up orders and staff became overwhelmed.

Sainsbury’s and Tesco both said they have enough food for customers over Christmas, but warned of potential shortages of items like lettuce, cauliflower and citrus fruits before the freight ban was lifted.

Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Shoppers have braved the rain for last-minute Christmas supplies
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
Shoppers have been queuing to enter shops today
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’
A border closure has sparked fears of product shortages
Panic-buyers queue around the block in rain to stockpile last-minute Christmas food amid ‘rationing’