Nurse catches Covid three weeks after having first vaccine dose – as expert warns jab takes weeks to build immunity

A NURSE has contracted Covid-19 just three weeks after having her first vaccine dose, it has been revealed.

Experts have now warned that the coronavirus vaccines can take weeks to build immunity and have cautioned that people should continue to follow the rules after having the jab.

Nurse catches Covid three weeks after having first vaccine dose – as expert warns jab takes weeks to build immunity
Vaccines have been proven to fight infections but experts say no vaccines are 100 per cent effective

There are two vaccines currently being rolled out across the UK, the Pfizer/BioNTech jab and the Oxford/AstraZeneca offering.

Today it was also announced that the Moderna jab had been give the green light for use in the UK.

Vaccines have been proven to fight infections of Covid-19, but experts have warned that people still need to be vigilant as cases of the virus continue to climb.

The most vulnerable in society are on the top of the list when it comes to vaccines and this includes health care practitioners who are regularly exposed to infections.

The calls from experts come after a NHS nurse working for the Hywel Dda University Health Board in Wales said she caught the virus while waiting for her second dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech jab.

Professor Tim Spector, who heads up the ZOE Symptom Tracker App study also revealed on social media that junior NHS staff members have reported getting the virus after receiving the jab.

Nurse catches Covid three weeks after having first vaccine dose – as expert warns jab takes weeks to build immunity

Posting to Twitter he said: “We are getting reports of reinfections, some soon after vaccination, ‘I’m a junior doctor and have had Covid twice the last one five days post vaccination…’.

“Remember vaccinations take several weeks to have a preventive effect so keep alert and keep logging!”

No vaccines are 100 per cent effective and the Pfizer jab, the first to be rolled out across the UK, offers up to 95 per cent protection against Covid for both doses, while one dose gives 90 per cent protection.

The Oxford/AstraZeneca jab gives 70 per cent effectiveness after one dosage, two doses gives 90 per cent protection.

The Moderna jab, which was approved for use today, is 94 per cent effective.


Speaking to the BBC, the nurse in Wales who caught Covid after the vaccine said she felt “angry and heartbroken”.

She said: “It gave me peace of mind. It made me feel safer and that I was doing the right thing for my family… but it gives a false sense of security.”

The nurse claims she was told that it would take ten days for her to get protection from the virus after receiving the jab.

It wasn’t until three weeks after she had the jab that she said she started to feel unwell with coronavirus symptoms.

The nurse said she had a high temperature, had been breathless and had a bad cough.

The NHS states that the three main symptoms of Covid-19 are a new persistent cough, a high temperature and a loss of taste and smell (anosmia).

If you have any of these symptoms then you should get a test and isolate.

Nurse catches Covid three weeks after having first vaccine dose – as expert warns jab takes weeks to build immunity

Many people who have caught the coronavirus have said that they have experienced breathlessness, this is because the virus is one that attacks the lungs.

The nurse said she was “shocked” when she tested positive for the virus.

In a statement Deputy Chief Executive Dr Philip Kloer of the Hywel Dda health board said it’s “always distressing” to hear about staff catching the coronavirus.

He added: “Whilst the vaccine reduces your chance of suffering from Covid-19, no vaccine is 100% effective.

“There is particular risk that you may have contracted Covid-19 immediately prior to having the vaccine without knowing it, or that you may contract it in the week or two following vaccination as your body builds up protection.

“We have communicated the UK policy and assurances on second doses to our staff and assured them they will receive their second dose within 12 weeks of the first.”

Prof Spector also highlighted that the vaccine can’t make you test positive for the coronavirus.

Nurse catches Covid three weeks after having first vaccine dose – as expert warns jab takes weeks to build immunity


The jabs contain active mRNA and not an inactive virus.

The use of mRNA means that the body is given a set of instructions by which cells make all proteins and send them to various parts of the body.

Prof Spector urged people to continue to follow the rules and had previously warned that many people who catch Covid-19 are symptomatic – meaning that they don’t display the classic symptoms listed by the NHS.

Studies have also previously shown that symptoms differ in children, with some kids experiencing a loss of appetite and fatigue.

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