No10’s dramatic press conference was a gift for the anti-AstraZeneca brigade

No worries

LET us be crystal clear on the blood-clot risk from the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab.

It is microscopic. Minuscule. Infinitesimal.

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No10’s dramatic press conference was a gift for the anti-AstraZeneca brigade
No10’s dramatic press conference was a gift for the anti-AstraZeneca brigade

It is negligible among older people next to their threat from Covid and the vaccine’s power to save their lives.

That calculation is different for under-30s only because their danger of dying from the virus, in a country like Britain where it is now at such low levels, is even tinier than the clotting risk.

So they will be offered Pfizer or Moderna instead.

That is hyper-cautious, especially compared with the European Medicines Agency which has approved AstraZeneca for all adults.

But then the EU has far more Covid — and a rollout in disarray.

We do have one worry.

Yesterday’s needlessly dramatic press conference was a gift for the anti-vax, or just anti-AstraZeneca, brigade . . . now wilfully or ignorantly misreading the science.

And it has risked infecting the nation with baseless doubt.

Race disgrace

THE vile racism directed at Liverpool stars Trent Alexander-Arnold, Naby Keita and Sadio Mane is repugnant.

The neanderthals responsible must be identified and prosecuted.

No10’s dramatic press conference was a gift for the anti-AstraZeneca brigade
Thierry Henry has called on tech giants to act against anonymous racist bullying after quitting social media

Liverpool FC rightly says social media abuse “cannot be allowed to continue”.

What will Instagram do about it?

Owners Facebook, with billions and the finest tech minds, pledged tougher measures.

Yet the torrent of filth goes on.

Thierry Henry had to quit social media.

It is appalling that black players must do so because tech giants won’t protect them.

Phoney war

WOULD anyone dispute Education Secretary Gavin Williamson’s claim that mobile phones distract kids in school?

Most schools already have bans on their use in class or playgrounds — with instant confiscation for rule-breakers.

No10’s dramatic press conference was a gift for the anti-AstraZeneca brigade
Gavin Williamson is right to focus on rigorous behaviour standards now kids are back in class

Mr Williamson is of course right to focus on rigorous behaviour standards now kids are back in class.

But does he have proof lockdowns made them worse?

Most teachers seem delighted by how children have coped with the most disastrous school year in generations.

Eco maniacs

EACH window Extinction Rebellion shatters is a hammer blow to the eco movement.

Performative criminality never wins hearts and minds.

No10’s dramatic press conference was a gift for the anti-AstraZeneca brigade
Each window Extinction Rebellion shatters is a hammer blow to the eco movement

Quite the opposite.

We all want a cleaner planet.

That includes this Government, which is moving with seemingly impossible speed towards a net-zero economy.

Brits respond to informative campaigns like our own Show Some Bottle initiative for a deposit return scheme.

They won’t back hippies who think they have a moral right to vandalise property.