NHS worker Covid-denier behind anti-vax demos finally reprimanded by Facebook for saying first jab patient was actress

A FORMER NHS worker and Covid-denier has been reprimanded by Facebook for bizarrely hinting the world’s first vaccine patient was an actress.

The social media giant took down a video posted by Louise Hampton – who used to work for Care UK – in which she cast doubts over Margaret Keenan.

NHS worker Covid-denier behind anti-vax demos finally reprimanded by Facebook for saying first jab patient was actress
Louise Hampton had suggested Margaret Keenan was an actress

The 90-year-old  became the first patient to receive the Pfizer coronavirus jab on Tuesday when the NHS rolled out its vaccine programme.

However, in a later video Hampton, 37, suggested the pensioner may have actually been an actress, reports the Metro.

The post was among 12 million pieces of Covid content which have been removed by Facebook amid a drive to combat vaccine misinformation.

A Facebook spokesperson said: “We have removed the content reported to us for violating our harmful misinformation policies.

“We remove Covid-19 misinformation that could lead to imminent physical harm, such as incorrect claims about cures or false information about approved vaccines.

“Between March and October we removed more than 12million pieces of this type of content on Facebook and Instagram.

“We also ban adverts that include vaccine hoaxes or discourage people from getting a vaccine and put warning labels over vaccine posts marked as false by third party fact checkers.”

NHS worker Covid-denier behind anti-vax demos finally reprimanded by Facebook for saying first jab patient was actress
The 90-year-old became the first patient to receive the Pfizer jab on Tuesday
NHS worker Covid-denier behind anti-vax demos finally reprimanded by Facebook for saying first jab patient was actress
Hampton has become a figurehead among the small minority opposing Covid precautions

Hampton has become a figurehead among the small minority opposing Covid precautions across Britain.

In the Facebook Live video, she said: “I wanted to speak a little bit about Margaret, she’s 90-years-old, allegedly, she seemed very happy.

“I do wonder, was she an actress? Did she volunteer herself, did somebody approach her?”

Her post had attracted more than 1,500 comments and 555 shares before it was removed.

Around 50 hospitals in the NHS started administering the new vaccine this week to people over 80, who are either hospitalised or have outpatient appointments scheduled, along with nursing home workers.

Margaret met these requirements and received the shot at University Hospital Coventry at 6:31am on Tuesday.

She said: “It’s the best early birthday present I could wish for because it means I can finally look forward to spending time with my family and friends in the New Year after being on my own for most of the year.”

Last month, we told how Hampton had filmed seemingly empty hospital A&E departments in London.

She claimed people are “afraid to go to hospitals” and that the Government has just “rebranded the flu”.

She also claimed nurses and doctors are making the NHS Covid crisis worse by “staying silent”.

Coronavirus cases have today risen by 21,672 as the UK’s death toll increased by 424.

The figures show a rise in numbers in comparison to yesterday when Britain recorded another 20,964 Covid cases – the largest daily rise in three weeks.