New South Africa Covid strain: Anyone who has travelled from the country in last 2 weeks MUST quarantine immediately

ANYONE who has travelled from South Africa in the last week must quarantine now, the Health Secretary announced this afternoon.

Matt Hancock revealed a new strain of Covid has been found in the UK, brought in by two people coming from South Africa.

New South Africa Covid strain: Anyone who has travelled from the country in last 2 weeks MUST quarantine immediately
Travel from South Africa is restricted, pictured here is an area near Cape Town
New South Africa Covid strain: Anyone who has travelled from the country in last 2 weeks MUST quarantine immediately
Matt Hancock gave a press briefing this afternoon from No 10
New South Africa Covid strain: Anyone who has travelled from the country in last 2 weeks MUST quarantine immediately
The new variant is growing fast in London and the South East

He told the nation: “The other news I want to tell you about is about the development of another strain of this virus.

“We have detected two cases of another new variant of coronavirus here in the UK.”

He warned this variant is “highly concerning and yet more transmissible and appears to have mutated further’.

Anyone who has been in close contact with someone who has travelled from South Africa must also quarantine.

He also announced there are immediate restrictions on travel from South Africa to the UK.

Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser to Public Health England said: “We’re still learning about the SA variant… but we are pretty confident that the system we have in place will help monitor the spread.”

As he announced new areas facing Tier 4 restrictions from Boxing Day, Mr Hancock said: “We all know that 2020 has been a hard year and it’s ending in this festive period that is going to be very different.

“After all the efforts that we have gone to to control this virus… we’ve discovered a new more contagious virus, a variant that is spreading at a dangerous rate.”

He said cases have risen by 57 per cent in the last week, with almost as many people in hospital with Covid now as in the peak.

Yesterday saw the biggest ever UK daily rise with 36,804 new positive tests and 691 deaths.

The daily figures showed Covid cases nearly doubled since the 18,450 infections recorded the same time last week.

It comes as…

  • Dover chaos continues as drivers wait for their Covid tests
  • The places where Covid variant is spreading most rapidly across UK was revealed – as the mutant strain has been located in 57 places
  • Parents are furious over claims ‘schools may close for ALL of January’ after experts claim mutant Covid strain spreads faster in kids
  • The R rate is thought to be as high as 1.5 in some areas

The soaring infection levels saw Prime Minister Boris Johnson announce a new Tier 4 lockdown on Saturday which has plunged 16 million people back into virtual lockdown, with all pubs and non-essential shops shut and people urged to stay indoors.

Today Mr Hancock said areas moving to the toughest Tier 4 – where there is a stay at home order – from Boxing Day are: Sussex, Oxfordshire, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, those parts of Essex not yet in Tier 4, Waverley in Surrey and Hampshire – including Portsmouth and Southampton but with the exception of the New Forest.

Bristol, Gloucestershire, Somerset including the North Somerset council area, Swindon, the Isle of Wight, the New Forest and Northamptonshire as well as Cheshire and Warrington will all be escalated to Tier 3.

Cornwall and Herefordshire move from Tier 1 to Tier 2.

The new mutant strain is feared to be present in every region of the UK, with health bosses and government ministers urging people living in Tier 4 areas not to travel to other parts of the country.

More than 2,000,000 positive tests and 68,000 deaths have been recorded since the start of the pandemic in January this year.

The increase in cases is believed to be down to a new mutant strain of the virus which has swept London and the South East.

Data from Public Health England (PHE) states that out of the 315 local areas in England, 285 have seen a rise in case rates and 30 have seen a fall.

The data accounts for cases between December 19 and 22 and shows that Thurrock in Essex has the highest rate in England, with 2,192 new cases recorded in the seven days to December 18 – the equivalent of 1257.3 cases per 100,000 people.

This is up steeply from 512.2 in the seven days to December 11.

Today furious lorry drivers stuck in their cabs for days blocked a Dover port exit and clashed with cops this morning as 10,000 trucks are still stranded in England.

The first passengers from the UK arrived in Calais earlier after Emmanuel Macron opened the border – but thousands of drivers are still being blocked from leaving.

They have to show a negative test before they can cross into France, after the President raised fears over the mutant strain.

New South Africa Covid strain: Anyone who has travelled from the country in last 2 weeks MUST quarantine immediately

New South Africa Covid strain: Anyone who has travelled from the country in last 2 weeks MUST quarantine immediately

New South Africa Covid strain: Anyone who has travelled from the country in last 2 weeks MUST quarantine immediately
The Army has been called in to help the Welsh ambulance services