Nancy Pelosi seen chatting to lawmakers WITHOUT Covid mask just hours after warning against similar behavior

A MASKLESS Nancy Pelosi was spotted barefaced while she was engaging with others during a White House visit Thursday afternoon – only hours after throwing down her gabble on lawmakers adhering to a strict face-covering mandate.

The Democratic leader seemed to sidestep her own stern directive earlier in the day letting it be known that masks still must be worn. 

Nancy Pelosi seen chatting to lawmakers WITHOUT Covid mask just hours after warning against similar behavior
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., Attorney General Merrick Garland and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Md., chat without masks before the signing Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act on Thursday afternoon
Nancy Pelosi seen chatting to lawmakers WITHOUT Covid mask just hours after warning against similar behavior
The bill signing ended with social pleasantries with many being photographed without wearing face masks
Nancy Pelosi seen chatting to lawmakers WITHOUT Covid mask just hours after warning against similar behavior
The carefree nature at the White House came only hours after Pelosi warned masks had to be worn

“Until they are vaccinated we have to continue to wear masks in our meetings and on the floor,” she said during her weekly press briefing, and first reported on by Daily Wire. 

“We have to wait for them to be vaccinated,” she said, answering a reporter’s question about when masks may be history. “Because they’re selfishly a dangerment [sic] to other people, including staff people here.”

She went on to suggest there is no way to know if someone is vaccinated, and until then masks are here to stay.

“What is this, the honors system? The honors system as to whether somebody has been vaccinated? Do you want them breathing in your face on the strength of their honor?” Pelosi had said.

Nancy Pelosi seen chatting to lawmakers WITHOUT Covid mask just hours after warning against similar behavior
Pelosi sent certain members of Congress letter threatening financial fines if they refuse to wear a mask
Nancy Pelosi seen chatting to lawmakers WITHOUT Covid mask just hours after warning against similar behavior
Masks appear to be optional while President Biden signed into law a Covid-19 Hate Crime Bill on Thursday afternoon

Yet, a maskless Pelosi seemed to trot a different line and test Covid-19 fate by standing and gabbing in close proximity to fellow maskless White House attendees including Attorney General Merrick Garland, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland present in the East Room while President Joe Biden signed the Covid-19 Hate Crime Bill.

Already, Pelosi has attempted to remind public servants of the continued mask rule, despite the fact that the CDC has come forward lifting some of its more rigid restrictions on covering up if the person has been fully vaccinated.

But this week numerous Republican Representatives decided to shed their masks during voting sessions, according to the Washington Examiner.

Pelosi attempted to invoke the power of the pocketbook to sway them and issued a letter titled “Notification of a Violation of House Resolution 38” to some of those who were deciding to go to do the peoples’ work unmasked. 

The letter warned of a $500 fine for first-time mask-shirking offenders and then $1,500 for those who continue to disobey.

Nancy Pelosi seen chatting to lawmakers WITHOUT Covid mask just hours after warning against similar behavior
The White House event followed Pelosi’s demand that her fellow lawmakers mask up
Nancy Pelosi seen chatting to lawmakers WITHOUT Covid mask just hours after warning against similar behavior
Some lawmakers trashed or shredded a warning letter that would hit them with fines if they refused to wear facemasks

The edict to enforce masks on Capital grounds has become a major bone that many opponents serving in Washington appear determined to pick. 

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia ” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>videotaped herself shredding Pelosi’s warning letter she received of the costly consequences of failing to mask up, perhaps after taking a group selfie this week.

Fellow GOP Rep. Thomas Massie from Kentucky tweeted his version of the ” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>letter getting filed in his trash bin: “Just filed @SpeakerPelosi’s letter warning me to follow her mask rule.”

Pelosi has already been called out for being hypocritical during the pandemic. 

There was uproar last year when photos of the senior California Democrat showed her sneaking into a salon for a VIP blowdry and hair wash while the rest of the country was barely able to leave their homes and small businesses forbidden from opening their doors.

The images sparked outrage among conservatives who were quick to point out Pelosi – who has slammed the president for not wearing a mask – was breaking the city’s coronavirus-prevention rules.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted: “Do as I say, not as I do.”

“Speaker Pelosi has pushed policies that would keep our economy closed and our small businesses shut down,” Senate Republicans tweeted.

They then added: “But for herself? A salon visit whenever she pleases.”