Mum ‘humiliated’ as police called to escort her from school after row about daughter’s return from Covid

A MUM says she has been left humiliated after police were called to escort her from school over a row about her daughter’s return after Covid.

Rebecca Barratt and her partner Paul Breese have been banned from Landau Forte Academy Greenacres in Tamworth, Staffordshire, after turning up to protest about their daughter’s treatment after having Covid.

Mum ‘humiliated’ as police called to escort her from school after row about daughter’s return from Covid
Rebecca Barratt has been banned from the school

Rebecca said: “I felt totally humiliated. The school’s attitude has been totally disgusting. All I wanted was answers. It is totally over-the-top.

“Now I’m banned.”

The parents claimed that their daughter Isabella, 10, was kept in class during lunchtime and breaks to catch up on missed work and protect fellow pupils.

Rebecca, who turned up at the school last week vehemently denied being abusive or threatening during the meeting.

So did Paul, who visited the school on another day.

Two PCSOs were sent to the school to remove Rebecca, although she insists their services were not required as she was already leaving.

Police also visited the couple’s home the next morning following a complaint.


She and Paul, an HGV driver, said they had merely followed Covid guidelines but felt that Isabella, who suffers from anxiety, had been punished for their caution.

After Isabella was diagnosed with coronavirus, the school said she could return after four days in isolation, Rebecca claims.

After checking with the NHS, Rebecca extended that period to ten days because her daughter was still suffering from a sore throat and headaches.

Isabella was told about the break-time restrictions when she returned to school on September 27.

Rebecca said she had been punished for daring to ask why.

She said: “I’ve been painted as aggressive and threatening, which I’ve never been. Why should my character be damaged when I’ve not done this?

“My daughter has been told to stay in [at break-times] and made to feel dirty because she was ill. She has been punished for being poorly.”


The school wrote a letter to the couple which read: “I am writing to you concerning your abusive and aggressive behaviour at Landau Forte Academy Greenacres on Wednesday and Thursday.

“Your interaction with members of staff has become increasingly distressing, including your use of inflammatory language.

“You have made unfair personal accusations which we cannot accept as both the school and trust have worked very hard to be as supportive as possible to your daughter.

“The school and trust has continued to try and give you and your child every possible element of support, but unfortunately it has not been possible to work out a way forward that meets your requirements.

“I must, therefore, ask that you only communicate with school where absolutely necessary for essential matters through the school office by phone or email.”

The letter added: “Going forward, you are banned from the premises with immediate effect except to collect your daughter from outside the school gates. This will be reviewed at the end of the winter term.

“A breach of the ban may result in an offence being committed under Section 547 of the Education Act 1996 and an action taken under that section to remove you from the premises or in an application being made to the court for an injunction.”

In a later statement, the school added: “We take the physical and emotional wellbeing of every pupil very seriously at school as part of our efforts to provide a high-quality education for all.

“We enjoy positive and collaborative relationships with parents and pupils’ families, and ensure we treat every member of our school community fairly.

“As a school, we have followed the Covid-19 guidance provided by Public Health England and the Department for Education.

“We have put in place recommended Covid precautions to minimise the risk of transmission at the school, and will continue to follow these in order to protect pupils and staff.”

Mum ‘humiliated’ as police called to escort her from school after row about daughter’s return from Covid
The school’s letter to the couple

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