Marjorie Taylor Greene apologizes for comparing Covid mask mandates to the Holocaust saying she’s ‘truly sorry’

MARJORIE Taylor Greene apologized for comparing Covid mask mandates to the Holocaust, saying she’s “truly sorry.”

Greene was slammed by both Democrats and Republicans last month after she said forcing masks or vaccines was like forcing Jewish people to wear stars in Nazi Germany.

Marjorie Taylor Greene apologizes for comparing Covid mask mandates to the Holocaust saying she’s ‘truly sorry’
Marjorie Taylor Greene issued an apology for her comments about the Holocaust
Marjorie Taylor Greene apologizes for comparing Covid mask mandates to the Holocaust saying she’s ‘truly sorry’
Greene was slammed for comparing Covid mandates to Nazi Germany

Despite doubling down on her position after making the comments, Greene issued an apology while speaking to reporters outside of the nation’s Capitol on Monday.

“I’m truly sorry for offending people with remarks about the Holocaust,” the Georgia representative said.

“There’s no comparison and there never ever will be.”

Greene, who has expressed support for QAnon conspiracy theories in the past, said that she had visited the US Holocaust Museum earlier in the day, and realized the errors in her comments.

“Anti-Semitism is true hate – and I saw that today at the Holocaust Museum,” she said.

Marjorie Taylor Greene apologizes for comparing Covid mask mandates to the Holocaust saying she’s ‘truly sorry’
Greene said she is ‘truly sorry for offending people’
Marjorie Taylor Greene apologizes for comparing Covid mask mandates to the Holocaust saying she’s ‘truly sorry’
Greene said she visited the Holocaust museum on Monday

Greene was slammed after she made the comments during the appearance on the conservative cable network Real America’s Voice in May.

The rep also accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of being “mentally ill” while ripping Covid-19 restrictions.

“This woman [Pelosi] is mentally ill,” she began.

“You know, we can look back in a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star, and they were definitely treated like second-class citizens — so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany.

“This is exactly the type of abuse Nancy Pelosi is talking about,” she spouted.

She was widely slammed by Democrats after the remarks, and a few Republican lawmakers condemned the freshman representative as well.

Among them was Rep Liz Cheney, who was recently ousted from her leadership position for refuting Donald Trump’s election fraud claims, who blasted Greene’s comparisons as “evil lunacy.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene apologizes for comparing Covid mask mandates to the Holocaust saying she’s ‘truly sorry’
Green attempted to double down on her comparison to the Holocaust

Similarly, Rep Adam Kinzinger, one of three House Republicans who voted both to impeach Trump and remove Greene from her committee assignments, said her remarks were “absolute sickness.”

In an appearance on CNN, Rep Peter Meijer said that Greene’s comments were “beyond reprehensible.”

“Well, first off, any comparisons to the Holocaust it’s beyond reprehensible,” he said.

“This is — I don’t even have words to describe how disappointing it is to see this hyperbolic speech that, frankly amps up and plays into a lot of the anti-Semitism that we’ve been seeing in our society today.”

Greene’s comments on Real America’s Voice came as the Georgia congresswoman accused Pelosi of being a hypocrite for asking GOP members to prove they have all been vaccinated before entering the Chamber without a mask.

Her reference to Jews wearing a “gold star” referred to the millions who were forced to wear a Star of David on their clothes before being sent to concentration camps and murdered during World War II.

Amid the criticism, Greene doubled down on her comments and insisted that she didn’t say anything wrong.

“I stand by all of my statements, I said nothing wrong,” she told KPNX.

“I think any rational Jewish person didn’t like what happened in Nazi Germany & any rational Jewish person doesn’t like what’s happening with overbearing mask mandates and overbearing vaccine policies.”

She changed her tune significantly when addressing her past comments on Monday.