A MAN wildly claims he was shown terrifying visions of the Covid outbreak and a bloody global war when he was allegedly abducted by aliens in one of the most infamous close encounters of all time.
Calvin Parker, who says he saw images of people with their skin melting off as nations fought against each other, has kept his visions secret for almost 50 years but has now decided to go public as he fears they may be coming true.

‘A curse’
Describing them as a “curse”, Calvin claims he was shown terrible events from mankind’s past, present and future after being “taken” on board a UFO in 1973.
Calvin, then aged 19, was fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River, in Mississippi, with his pal Charlie Hickson when they allege a UFO landed nearby and they were grabbed by strange creatures with lobster-like claws and carrot-like noses and ears.
Now Calvin, who has battled cancer, has revealed the visions he was given almost 50 years ago – as he fears he may not have much longer left to live.
He said: “I had a near death experience while on board this craft. This was when my blood was drained out of me and then replaced with what I still don’t know.
‘It scares the hell out of me’
“Then things were shown to me, things from the past, present and future. I guess one could call it a curse. Ever since then I have had major health problems but slowly I have overcome most of them
“I would not be talking about it now if I hadn’t seen some of these come true. I sure don’t want people to think I am psychic because I am not.
“Maybe I was handed a curse or it could be a way to help save our planet or mankind.
“But it scares the hell out of me not for me but for the future of all of us.
‘Plague will kill millions’
“My time here on earth is almost over, having had a lot of health problems. I would not want to leave here knowing there could be something I could do to help someone.
“So I will tell what I was shown that day onboard the UFO and I will try to go into as much detail as I can remember.
“There is a plague going on now, of course there has always been some kind of plague since the beginning of time but from what I saw this on gets even worse.
“It was caused by mankind which is very bad because God is going to teach us a lesson and stay out of it before he steps back in. Mankind has lost faith and people are not willing to help others.”
Calvin believes “the plague” he saw in the visions may wipe out millions of people and cause food shortages.
“This plague will kill millions, cause food shortages and people will fight and steal other people’s things just to survive,” he said.
World War Three
“This is already going on but it will get worse, family against family, friend against friend.
“There will be a time when it will be impossible to trust anyone.”
Following the pandemic, he claims to have seen visions of World War Three.
Calvin said: “Then there is going to be a great war that one side blames the other. In my vision I have seen people’s skin melt off their body.
“I don’t know if it’s a nuclear war or not but it puts nation against nation.
“There will not be a nation on Earth that is not touched by this war.
‘Food shortages’
“Also there will be very little food in any country.
“After the war, the land will be so bad it can’t grow anything so people will starve. There will be no water supply either.
“I don’t know how many years this will go on for but it will be a long time.”
Calvin claims that after the deadly war, people slowly will start to come together and the human race will heal.
“After a while the people will start healing and everyone will come together and realize the mistakes they made,” he said.
“Things will get better, slowly but surely.
Power hungry politicians
“Hopefully the country will heal before the war happens. But we have politicians in every country at the moment that are power-hungry.
“My personal opinion they are a bunch of idiots that overlook what is best for our planet and the entire human race.”
Calvin says people should be able to make their own minds up about his claims – but insists that what he describes is exactly what he saw.
“I didn’t come up with this on my own. This was not a figment of my imagination.
“This is what I saw or should I say was shown during my abduction experience. I truly hope that these future ‘visions’ do not come true. Please make up your own mind about this.
“The abduction experience was scary enough but these visions scared me even more then and still concern me today. “
Calvin’s friend and fellow “abductee” Charles died in 2011, aged 80, but never backed away from his alien abduction story despite ridicule.
Police audio files obtained by Trending In The News showed the pair were highly agitated by the alleged incident but they never wavered from their story – even when cops left them alone and secretly taped them.
And Trending In The News reported how a couple, Maria and Vernon Jerry Blair, came forward to verify the mens’ story after seeing a strange UFO on the same night and location as the fishermen.
British UFO investigator Philip Mantle, who has published Calvin’s book, Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter – said: “Calvin finds it very difficult to discuss this aspect of his encounter, calling it a curse.
“A curse just-in-case it’s true and that he has seen the future of mankind and it’s not a pretty sight.
“We could probably ignore these ‘visions’ were it not for the fact that other close encounter witnesses have related similar stories.”