KIDS will be harmed if schools shut again after lockdowns left so many depressed, experts have warned.
The closing of classrooms last year caused “significant health harms” to children and teens, scientists at University College of London said.
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And these will “likely be magnified” by further school closures in future Covid waves.
The team trawled through all studies so far on the impact of Covid on schoolkids spanning 20 countries.
Research suggested that between 18 and 60 per cent of children had markers of distress, particularly anxiety and depression symptoms.
These figures were substantially higher than before the pandemic, the paper said.
A study in the UK revealed anxiety was reported in almost half of girls aged between 13 and 18, and almost 60 per cent of boys.
Around a fifth of each gender also had depressive symptoms.
A broad range of other studies found varying results, but the experts concluded “evidence for impacts upon mental health and wellbeing was substantial and consistent”.
Children who had previous problems with mental health, or parents who had mental health illness, were most at risk of struggling during school shutdowns.
The majority of research teams had found a “range of emotional, behavioural and restlessness/inattention problems and overall psychological wellbeing”.
The conclusions were given to scientists who advise the government (Sage) in February.
Sage were warned: “School closures as part of broader social distancing measures are associated with considerable harms to children and young people’s health and wellbeing.
“Available data are short-term and longer-term harms are likely to be magnified by further school closures.”
The study also found that among the backdrop of growing mental health woes, referrals for treatment were down during the pandemic.
One study in England found psychiatric inpatient admissions decreased by 40 per cent.
This could suggest kids are not getting the help that they need.
Meanwhile, another British study revealed a quarter of 16 to 24 year olds had developed a new sleeping problem during Covid due to worrying.
Some studies have also shown negative changes in diet and exercise levels – while an increase in how much time kids spend on screens such as their phone or TV.