COVID test hoarders were dubbed ‘shameless’ last week after they took to social media to show off their stockpiled lateral flow kits before a £5 fee for swabs is introduced on April 1.
The Government website temporarily ran out of tests altogether as Brits rushed to stock up, with packs unavailable online and via the 119 phone line.

People across the nation face spending between £20 and £25 on a box of seven within six weeks after free testing – which costs the taxpayer £2billion a month – is halted under the ‘Living with Covid’ plan.
Now two women have admitted they have unashamedly stockpiled the tests.
Here they speak to Fabulous:
College student Imogen Brooke, 30, has stockpiled more than 100 individual lateral flow tests kits and has more on the way.
Imogen, from Southampton, Hants., is proud of her tower of lateral flow boxes.
She doesn’t think anyone should have to pay for them.

LOGGING onto the government’s website yesterday morning, I ordered another box of lateral flow tests – my 14th box in three months
And when I got the text saying my order had been accepted, I jumped for joy. It was such a relief.
I’ve got a stockpile of 14 boxes at home now so around 100 actual tests – but I’m not ashamed.
Why should I be? I’m simply standing up for my right to stockpile and feel safe.
I’ve seen on social media people posting pictures of their boxes but not their faces but I don’t feel any embarrassment or guilt. It makes me feel secure knowing I have these kits and I refuse to pay a fiver for a test which is what I read they will cost.
I started stockpiling the tests six months ago in October last year when there was talk of a pre-Christmas shortage of test kits.
So when the government website ran out of test kits a few months ago, after the omicron variant took over, I had a secret stockpile of around 70 individual tests.
I had friends asking if they could have some, which I happily distributed, and I gave some to my family too.
When Christmas was threatened because lateral flow tests were not available I knew I would be able to enjoy a festive season with friends and family – and, guess what, I did enjoy it.
Since the lateral flow tests became available in spring 2021 they’ve become a daily part of everyone’s life.
I insist people do a test to come into my flat because if I get sick I live alone and it means I can’t see my family and friends.
Meanwhile, I have a close friend with a newborn baby and she will understandably not let anyone come and see her and the baby unless they do a test at the door.
It’s just good etiquette to let people know you’ve done a lateral flow especially if they’re clinically vulnerable or especially old or young.
I have friends who work as teachers and they need to do tests regularly so give them some of mine.
Just because the government says we don’t have to do tests anymore isn’t going to change many people’s views on doing them.
So I’m glad I thought ahead and I think you’re bonkers if you didn’t.
I am not ashamed to stand up and say I have a stockpile of lateral flow tests because when we are forced to pay I won’t be able to afford them.
If I have to pay even a fiver for a test it will mean I can’t socialise and pay for transport to get to college.
I think the government should fix the price of tests and make them free until at least next year.
Shame me all you want – it’s what I believe and it keeps me safe.
Carer Nicky Hickinbotham, 51, has a tower of free lateral flow tests and refuses to be labelled shameless or selfish.

Nicky, who is a mum to two children, lives with her husband, ex-builder Stacey 50, Hereford.
It was like a punch in the gut when I read the government was charging for lateral flow tests – I rely on them and it’s why I’m proud, not ashamed, I had the foresight to stockpile more than 10 boxes.
Dub me ‘selfish’ or ‘shameless’ all you like but as a carer they’ve become part of my daily life – and I’m not actually sure I can afford them if they’re not free.
When we visit friends who are elderly or have someone who lives with a health condition I always test to ensure they feel safe and I have done it since the free tests were available.
My income is limited and I refuse to be made to feel bad because I’ve enabled my family to have a tower of tests.
My daughter has to do them as she works in a people-facing job as a sales assistant.
And it’s not just me – loads of people I know secretly have a huge pile of them.
Covid can impact anyone – even the Queen has been hit and I’m terrified it won’t go away and I’ll be left unable to afford tests.
The cost of living is rising dramatically and we watch every penny.
There isn’t room in our family budget to spend money on expensive lateral flow tests.
That’s why I am not afraid to say I have a supply of tests and why.
I worry about elderly friends and family who can’t afford them. I am glad I can offer a few to them.
In other Covid related news, this is where you can buy tests as free ones are scrapped.
Plus, my awful first date revealed his criminal past to me and then asked me to take a picture for our wedding.
Meanwhile, this woman married a man with the same surname as her first name… she’s got the same name twice and people think it’s a joke.
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