It’s time we reaped the benefit of Britain’s incredible vaccine rollout and regained our freedom

Freedom at last

CHEERS! Two weeks tomorrow, the Prime Minister is promising to give us back one of our most cherished freedoms — the right to stand at the bar and order a pint.

That, and no longer being forced to wear a mask, or to adhere to the ­economically-ruinous one metre plus rule, or to scan a QR code, will be ­welcomed by businesses and their ­customers across the land.

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It’s time we reaped the benefit of Britain’s incredible vaccine rollout and regained our freedom
Two weeks tomorrow, the Prime Minister is promising to give us back one of our most cherished freedoms — the right to stand at the bar and order a pint

We await the small print of what Boris Johnson will announce tomorrow.

He’s facing a rearguard action from scientists — including the communist-supporting Sage member Susan Michie — who want us to wear masks for forever and a day.

And militant teaching unions who regard children as nothing more than germ-spreading bargaining chips

But the truth is that while Covid cases will continue to soar for a while and, sadly, there will be some hospitalisations and deaths, the link between Covid and severe illness is weakening.

Thousands die every year from flu and we do not put the entire nation under prolonged house arrest.

As new Health Secretary Sajid Javid makes clear, we are going to have to learn to live with Covid while the Government and scientists carry on trying to tackle the virus just like other deadly diseases.

The vaccine rollout has worked.

It’s time we reaped the benefit and regained our freedom.

Our whizz kids

WITH the Euro 2020 final within reach, our semi-final opponents Denmark, from the home of Carlsberg and Hans Christian Andersen, are not the only producers of fairy tales. Probably.

Gareth Southgate’s transformation of England into bone-fide challengers has been storybook stuff, and due in no small part to his faith in youth.

It’s time we reaped the benefit of Britain’s incredible vaccine rollout and regained our freedom
Gareth Southgate’s transformation of England into bone-fide challengers has been storybook stuff

His squad, with 19-year-old Bukayo Saka and Jude Bellingham, just 17, is the second youngest in the tournament.

Our footballers are not the only ones showing that the future is bright.

Wimbledon tennis teen Emma Raducanu, 18, plays in the last 16 of her first ever Grand Slam tournament tonight.

Our brilliant youngsters are making sport look like child’s play.

Precious medal

WITH initiatives like our Jabs Army and our Who Cares Wins awards, Trending In The News is proud to support our NHS heroes, which is why we campaigned for them to receive the George Cross.

Through seven decades, NHS staff have served, as the Queen said, “with courage, compassion and dedication,” never more so than during the pandemic.

It’s time we reaped the benefit of Britain’s incredible vaccine rollout and regained our freedom
Trending In The News is proud to support our NHS heroes which is why we campaigned for them to receive the George Cross

On National Thank You Day there could be no greater expression of gratitude from the nation, nor one more richly deserved.