It’s morally wrong for Brits to have to socially distance beyond 21 June

THE British people have once again put their faith in Boris Johnson and the remarkable NHS vaccination rollout to over two thirds of UK adults.

With this new mandate, it’s time for a fresh start.

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It’s morally wrong for Brits to have to socially distance beyond 21 June
Further lockdown restrictions are set to be lifted next week

In the 2019 General Election, we promised to deliver Brexit and then to level up and bring opportunity to all four corners of the United Kingdom.

We won’t be able to do that if we continue to require people and businesses to operate under restrictions.

In early April 2020, the Queen invited us to look forward to “better days” when “we will meet again”.

So it’s great news the Government is set to declare that we can and should once again hug our nearest and dearest from next week.

The data is so good, and the doomsayers so wrong, that it cannot possibly be rational or morally right for us to have to socially distance from each other in any context or setting in the UK beyond 21 June.

And once we have vaccinated those vulnerable to Covid in the UK, the right thing is for Britain proudly to lead the world in delivering surplus vaccines to developing countries.

As we start this new chapter in our history it’s time to unleash this country’s true potential, to lift these appalling restrictions safely and proportionately, and to look ahead to a free life after lockdown beyond 21 June.

It’s morally wrong for Brits to have to socially distance beyond 21 June