Iowa Senator Joni Ernst who branded Covid deaths a hoax slammed for ‘skipping line’ to get herself a vaccine

REPUBLICAN Senator Joni Ernst was blasted for getting the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, despite calling the coronavirus a hoax throughout the pandemic.

Ernst, a senator from Iowa, tweeted a photo of her receiving the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, saying she had received it at the recommendation of the Office of the Attending Physician.

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst who branded Covid deaths a hoax slammed for ‘skipping line’ to get herself a vaccine
Joni Ernst received plenty of backlash for getting the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine despite calling it a hoax
Iowa Senator Joni Ernst who branded Covid deaths a hoax slammed for ‘skipping line’ to get herself a vaccine
Ernst downplayed the risks of the coronavirus and said doctors were artificially increasing the number of deaths for financial gain

“Today, at the recommendation of the Office of the Attending Physician, I received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.” she tweeted.

“I encourage all Iowans and Americans to do the same when their time comes. Thanks to Operation Warp Speed and the tireless work of Americans across the country, we are one step closer to defeating this virus,” she continued.

“It’s also important that we continue to wear a mask, social distance, and follow CDC guidelines to protect our families, friends, and neighbors,” Ernst ended.

Immediately, Ernst was hit with public outcry, with users pointing out how the senator had spent most of the pandemic downplaying the risks of the coronavirus and even spreading a conspiracy theory that doctors were falsifying Covid-19 deaths for money.

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst who branded Covid deaths a hoax slammed for ‘skipping line’ to get herself a vaccine
Marco Rubio also received plenty of backlash for getting the virus
Iowa Senator Joni Ernst who branded Covid deaths a hoax slammed for ‘skipping line’ to get herself a vaccine
Senator Lindsey Graham downplayed the risks of the coronavirus yet still received the vaccine

In September, Ernst widely shared a falsified conspiracy theory from QAnon claiming that only six percent of Covid-19 deaths were due to the virus.

It wasn’t until President Trump retweeted the claim when Twitter removed the post for spreading misinformation about the virus.

Ernst said she was “so skeptical” of the coronavirus mortality rate while on the campaign trail.

“They’re thinking there may be 10,000 or less deaths that were actually singularly COVID-19,” she said during a question-and-answer session while campaigning for her reelection.

The Republican senator even went on to say that doctors were financially profiting off of increased Covid-19 deaths.

“These health-care providers and others are reimbursed at a higher rate if COVID is tied to it, so what do you think they’re doing?” Ernst put forward.

Ernst wasn’t the only GOP member to come under fire for “jumping the line,” as one Twitter user said, for getting the vaccine despite downplaying its effects.

“I hope you’re among the 5% of people for whom the vaccine does not work,” someone commented on her post.

“Disgraceful! Thought it was a hoax now you’re getting the vaccine,” another said.

Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham also received backlash for posting photos of their first dose of the vaccine.

“The fact that Lindsey Graham & Marco Rubio got the vaccine before healthcare workers, first responders, & teachers is one of the most f***** up things I have seen today. These a****** have done everything in their power to downplay this pandemic,” said one user.

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