I VOTED for the Conservative Party in the last election, and so have every right to be angry with Boris Johnson over his partying antics.
My mum died in a nursing home where, because of Covid regulations, I was unable to see her for more than six weeks beforehand. I had no chance to say my final goodbyes.

My mum’s coffin was sealed in the chapel of rest and only around 15 people were permitted to attend her funeral.
Yes, I am fuming that the man that made these regulations was having get togethers with his pals. Would I vote for Boris again? Damned right I would.
There is not another politician that would have got Brexit done like he did. Or step foot into Ukraine as he has done. It’s time to forget the partying and move on.
David Webster, Taunton, Somerset
Read more on Partygate
LOOKING at the media and Opposition frenzy over the Prime Minister unwittingly attending a birthday “party” — for which he has profusely apologised — you would have thought more important things might occupy their minds.
The world is in a critical place, with Putin’s murderous invasion of Ukraine and his nuclear threat hanging over us.
Boris has done more than practically any other leader to stand firm with his support for Ukraine in both dialogue and arms. Its president Volodymyr Zelensky has given him his personal warm thanks.
But this does not matter to shameless opportunistic individuals who want Boris gone at all costs.
I, for one, will continue to support Boris. The alternative of Captain Hindsight Sir Keir Starmer and his motley crew at the helm doesn’t bear thinking about.
Harry Hodge, Aldershot, Hants
OUR Prime Minister has been ridiculed, lambasted and hung out to dry by his haters over the Partygate fiasco.
But the fine and apology are not enough for some people. They want blood.
Get off his back. The parties are now history. There are far more important issues. As Boris states: “I have work to do”. It’s time to move forward.
Sandra Queen, Harlow, Essex
NOW that Boris, his wife Carrie and Chancellor Rishi Sunak have been fined for Partygate by the super-incompetent Met, can we please draw a line under it?
There are many vastly more important issues going on in the world now than a few sausage rolls at a nine-minute party.
Jamie Williams, Dunstable, Beds
I AM sick of the mass hysteria over the lockdown “parties” at No10.
These people worked together daily so were in close proximity anyway. I wonder how many people can honestly say they didn’t break lockdown rules at some time.
There is so much else going on in the world to worry about. The poor Ukrainians must think we are not bothered about what is happening to them.
Gail Miles, Birmingham
WHAT do Labour and the Lib Dems — and the country — stand to gain by Boris Johnson resigning?
Surely with a war raging in the Ukraine and people here struggling to make ends meet, the last thing we need is a leadership election.
It will take months, destabilise the Government and be detrimental to our current problems.
Ken Pennington, Stalybridge, Cheshire
BORIS JOHNSON and his fellow Conservatives made a huge mistake having lockdown-breaching parties but calls for him to resign are ridiculous.
I don’t even vote Tory but I can see the sense in letting the man finish the job he set out to do. Then at the next election the voters will have their say.
It is of NO benefit to this country if he is made to resign now.
He needs to get on and deliver on his many promises.
Ryan Roberts, Llanbedr, Wales
A YOUGOV poll claims 57 per cent of voters want Boris to resign as PM.
I’ll bet the majority of these want him gone under any circumstances. Let him get on with the job, hopefully helping to sort out Ukraine and getting our living costs under control. Who would his replacement be?
Peter Chester, Hull
PARTYGATE must surely take a back seat in the light of the Ukraine war, spiralling taxes, the cost-of-living crisis, illegal migrants and eco-idiots disrupting fuel supplies. It is these pressing issues on which efforts must be focused.
For all his flaws, Boris has proved his leadership credentials in his handling of the Ukraine war. He will need a similar grip on the home front to demonstrate he should continue leading his party and country.
Lesley Evans, Walsall, West Mids
WOULD anyone blame Boris Johnson or Rishi Sunak if they resigned and told the country to find someone to replace them?
The constant criticism over an incredibly minor incident two years ago would be enough for most people to call it a day.
Jez Dawson, Woking, Surrey
THIS is very simple. Yes Boris, we accept your resignation with immediate effect. Our once-great country is exasperated at your taking decent citizens for granted.
Gary Lilley, South Shields
HYPOCRISY is rife in Downing Street. The PM and Chancellor both flouted their own rules, yet cringingly, Boris denied that their actions did so.
It seems to me they have no conscience nor self-respect.
Michael Frost, Romford, Essex
I AM delighted that Boris, Carrie and Rishi were fined for lockdown breaches but it’s too little too late for my liking.
And £50 fine if they pay promptly is a drop in the ocean to these people. I will only be happy when Boris is clearing out his desk and going.
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Hit them where it hurts, and that’s by their P45 and not their wallets.
Natalie O’Rawe, Ballynahinch, N.I.