Hundred of cops disciplined or probed for flouting Covid rules

HUNDREDS of police officers have been disciplined or are being investigated for flouting Covid rules, a Sun on Sunday probe has discovered.

Cops have been caught revelling at parties in lockdown, breaking the rule of six or failing to self-isolate after a positive test.

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Hundred of cops disciplined or probed for flouting Covid rules
Hundreds of police officers were caught flouting Covid rules, failing to self-isolate after a positive test and even attending illegal lockdown parties

A total of 102 officers across the UK have so far been disciplined for breaches and hundreds more cases are still being looked into.

Many were reported by members of the public who were fed up with heavy-handed policing of the regulations.

In some forces, more than 30 officers have been rapped for breaches.

This week, it was revealed police called to an illegal lockdown party found ten off-duty officers enjoying the bash.

Sussex Police are investigating the incident.

Tory MP Tim Loughton said: “Police clearly need to have a long, hard look at their own behaviour before they start cracking down on the rest of us.”

Hundred of cops disciplined or probed for flouting Covid rules
Tory MP Tim Loughton said: ‘Police clearly need to have a long, hard look at their own behaviour’

The National Police Chiefs’ Council said: “We have a responsibility.

“Nobody is above the law.”