How do I volunteer to help give the Covid vaccine?

THE coronavirus vaccine has been hailed by experts as the best exit strategy from the pandemic.

With two jabs already approved for use in the UK, we look at the ways you can get involved in a huge national effort and help get the country back up and running.

How do I volunteer to help give the Covid vaccine?
88-year-old Trevor Cowlett receives the Oxford University/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine from nurse Sam Foster at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford on January 4

How do I volunteer to help give the Covid vaccine?

Trending In The News is urging readers to join a “Jabs Army” of ­volunteers to help get millions of Brits vaccinated ­rapidly.

The Government wants to see 15million people immunised by March and local NHS teams will be setting up centres capable of administering thousands of jabs a week in sports halls, conference centres and stadiums.

But more than 50,000 Steward Volunteers will be needed via the NHS Volunteer Responder Programme to help them run smoothly and keep people safe.

Stewards will guide people on site to make sure the vaccination process runs as safely and efficiently as possible.

They will help ensure social ­distancing and identify people who need additional support.

How do I sign up?

Volunteers for the Jabs Army are being asked to first register online at

You will then receive an email with log-in details to sign up online.

Then, you will be asked to download the GoodSAM app on a smartphone which will match you to a role in your area.

Services will be opening in the coming days and weeks, with different areas up and running at different times, so you might not be required on site for some weeks. Not everyone who signs up will need to be called upon.

You will have to commit to just two six-hour shifts a month at a vaccination service, and no prior experience or qualifications are required.

How do I volunteer to help give the Covid vaccine?
Boris Johnson has backed Trending In The News’s ‘Jabs Army’ campaign

What is Trending In The News’s Jabs Army campaign?

Trending In The News announced it’s ‘Jabs Army’ programme on December 31, 2020 in a bid to help Britain beat the bug.

An incredible 7,750 volunteers have signed up to Trending In The News’s Jabs Army appeal in the first 48 hours.

Stars and health chiefs have backed the call for Sun readers to join.

Boris Johnson called our campaign a “fantastic initiative”.

He said: “Trending In The News’s campaign to help our NHS to roll out the UK vaccination programme as fast as possible is a fantastic initiative.

“The British public volunteered in droves to support the NHS last year and I have no doubt they will be determined to help again.”

Catherine Johnstone CBE, chief exec of the Royal Voluntary Service, said: “The response from Sun readers has been incredible.

“Thousands have already signed up to do their bit and I can’t thank them enough. I would urge anyone who is able to volunteer to step forward.”