How can I volunteer for the vaccine rollout?

THE VACCINE rollout is being ramped up in a race to counter the new Omicron variant.

And now the NHS are making another appeal for volunteers to step in. Here’s how to volunteer.

How can I volunteer for the vaccine rollout?
You can volunteer with NHS First Responders to help with the vaccine rollout

How can I apply to be a vaccine volunteer?

There are currently almost 3,000 vaccine sites across the country, staffed by over 90,000 volunteers.

After the NHS last week announced a recruitment drive for 10,000 paid vaccinators, 4,500 people have registered their interest while 13,000 have come forward as volunteer stewards.

St John Ambulance is currently working through its networks to mobilise and reengage existing vaccination volunteers – if you’re an existing volunteer, you will be contacted by the re-engagement programme or you can reach out to your volunteering lead.

If you’re new to St John Ambulance you can find out more on the St John Ambulance website.

NHS Volunteer Responders, a partnership between the NHS, Royal Voluntary Service and GoodSAM, is currently recruiting to up to 30,000 additional steward volunteer roles.

Opportunities also remain available for members of the public who are able to support their neighbours and the NHS through a number of different roles – including food or medication deliveries, lifts to medical appointments or ‘check-in and chat’ phone calls.

If you are interested in these roles you can find out more at the NHS Volunteer Responder website.

Many local NHS services are also using their own volunteer schemes, and you can check their websites for details.

Trending In The News is also appealing for 25,000 readers to give their time as steward volunteers at vaccine centres as part of the effort to make sure every adult has the booster jab by the end of January.

So far Sun readers have completed more than 196,000 shifts of between three and six hours.

Do I need any qualifications to volunteer?

To be a steward at vaccination sites, you don’t need any qualifications.

If you’d like to volunteer with the NHS and you do have specific expertise in an area, they can try and match your skills to a role where you may need them.

Through doing a paid vaccine role and following application process, you can do roles specific to your skills.

Do I get paid to be a vaccine volunteer?

NHS Professionals, the flexible workforce provider for the NHS, is recruiting up to 10,000 people for paid roles for the vaccine rollout.

You can register your interest on the NHS Professionals website, and if accepted you will be asked to make a full application.

Some jobs will also be advertised by local NHS employers, so you may also want to keep an eye on NHS Jobs for roles in your area.

Can I get the booster quicker if I volunteer?

You are not promised to get the booster jab if you volunteer, but now it is available for anyone over 18..

You can book your booster here.

As of December 16, there is very high demand for a booster jabs with a queuing system in place.

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