Half a million Brits have received Covid vaccine – but Boris Johnson rules out prioritising Tier 4 south

MORE than 500,000 people in the UK have now received their first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the milestone at tonight’s Downing Street Press Conference.

Half a million Brits have received Covid vaccine – but Boris Johnson rules out prioritising Tier 4 south

Asked whether the vaccine would be made more readily available, Boris Johson said the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is currently sticking to its priority list for those most at risk of contracting and dying from the list.

The Prime Minister went on to say: “We want to work with our colleagues, with our friends around the world, as we have from the beginning, to develop new treatments, to develop new vaccines, as we have.”

“I can today announce that over half a million people, more than 500,000 people in the UK, have now received their first dose.”

Mr Johnson added there was “no reason” to think the new variant of Covid-19 is any more dangerous than the existing strain .

It comes as the discovery of a new strain of the virus in London and the south east has led to several European countries imposing a ban on travellers from the UK.

The ban has also affected the flow of goods through Dover.