Florida radio host, 65, who blasted Fauci dies from COVID after texting pals in his dying days urging them to get shots

A FLORIDA radio host who blasted Anthony Fauci and coronavirus vaccines has died from Covid-19.

Right wing talk show host Dick Farrel, 65, texted pals in his last few days urging them to get the jab, having changed his mind.

Florida radio host, 65, who blasted Fauci dies from COVID after texting pals in his dying days urging them to get shots
Dick Farrel had often raged against the Covid vaccine before contracting the deadly virus
Florida radio host, 65, who blasted Fauci dies from COVID after texting pals in his dying days urging them to get shots
Farrel had used his Facebook page to question the Covid vaccine

Previously Farrel had frequently hit out against the Covid vaccine on his personal Facebook page.

In a July 3 post he wrote: “Why take a vax promoted by people who lied 2u all along about masks, where the virus came from and the death toll?”, although he didn’t provide any additional context or clarification.

“Vaccine Bogus Bull Shid!, Two peeps I know, got vaxed, now have Corona, hospitalized critical,” he wrote on July 1. “Thank you Moderna, FOR NOTHING!”

Creative Director of Hubbard South Florida Mike McCabe, a friend of Farrel’s, said on Facebook that he had been battling Covid for three weeks before his death earlier this week.

Farrel had also lashed out against Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, calling him a “power tripping lying freak” while throwing his support behind the former President Donald Trump.

However, having contracted the deadly virus, Farrel changed his mind and texted friends, urging them to get the vaccine, WPTV reports.


“He is the reason I took the shot,” said Amy Leigh Hair, Farrel’s close friend. “He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke and he said, “I wish I had gotten it!”

Since his death, tributes have poured in from friends and colleagues.

Lee Strasser, former market general manager for CBS Radio West Palm Beach, said Farrel was “flamboyant, outrageous at times, and willing to take on any and all comers,” WPTV reported. 

“Was he right all the time? No,” Strasser added. “But he was “RIGHT” all the time, especially if you asked him. Did he stay out of trouble? Not always. Was he great with clients? Yes. Was he a pleasure in the building? Absolutely. Was he loyal? Unquestionably! Was he skilled? Yessir! His passing is a big loss. He was a kind-hearted person with a load of passion, and his memory will stand the test of time. We have all lost a friend in Farrel.”

Radio veteran, and life-long friend, George Kalman, said: “We became such close friends that he would always call me for advice when applying for jobs or anything pertaining to radio. I was like a big brother to him.

“As you can imagine I am very upset about his demise and will miss him greatly.”

“…He fought like a tiger. Please don’t put off getting attention for this illness. Yes, for some it has minimal effects, but others it is deadly. We will always love Dick Farrel, always appreciate his spirit, and miss him greatly. He was known as the other Rush Limbaugh. With a heavy heart, I can only say this was so unexpected. He will be missed,” said his life partner Kit Farley on Facebook.

Florida radio host, 65, who blasted Fauci dies from COVID after texting pals in his dying days urging them to get shots
Tributes to the talk show host have poured in