Elderly couple battling coronavirus in two separate hospital wards given opportunity to say goodbye in person

AN ELDERLY couple battling coronavirus in two separate hospital wards were given the opportunity to say goodbye in person.

Gerry Jarrett, 79, was allowed in to visit his wife Barbara, 76, as she “looked to be at the end”, the couple’s daughter Chloe Keljarrett said.

Elderly couple battling coronavirus in two separate hospital wards given opportunity to say goodbye in person
Gerry Jarrett got to say goodbye to his wife Barbara as they both battled Covid

Mr and Mrs Jarrett, who have been together for 50 years, had both been admitted to Frimley Park Hospital, Surrey, with coronavirus two weeks ago.

The pair had “precious” extra time together thanks to the hospital’s “incredible” efforts, Chloe added.

She said: “Dad was wheeled in, crying, touched her hand and her eyes flew open. She was awake and bright and could talk.

“We got a precious extra hour or two before her breathing got worse again and got to say what we wanted.

“All thanks to the staff who made these meetings possible. In current times I just find that incredible.”

Mrs Keljarrett, a teacher, said her father was “showing signs of improvement but has a very long journey to complete”.

He has several other health issues that will make his recovery more challenging.

Elderly couple battling coronavirus in two separate hospital wards given opportunity to say goodbye in person


The hospital wrote on Twitter in response to Chloe: “Our hearts go out to you and your family.

“We are so glad that our staff managed to make this time just a little bit easier for you all.

“This truly is some of the care we give that matters the most.”