A “DEPRESSED” police detective killed his three-year-old son before taking his own life – his widow misses the tot with “every breath”.
David Louden, 39, had been battling “cabin fever” and “demons” for months before he was found dead at his home in Kidderminster, Worcestershire, alongside Harrison, 3, the inquest was told.

The dad’s mental health troubles, worsened by Covid, were behind the double death in August last year, Worcestershire Coroner’s Court heard today.
The inquest concluded that the police sergeant unlawfully killed his little boy before taking his own life.
There was no evidence of third party involvement in the tragedy, the court was told.
The course of the investigation revealed that Sgt Louden had been depressed after shielding for three months during the first Covid lockdown.
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He was having counselling but had never discussed taking his own life – he had been prescribed anti-depressants but decided not to take them, the inquest heard.
Sgt Louden’s wife had described the impact on him from Covid as akin to “cabin fever” – which had left him withdrawn and very down.
On the date of his death, the dad was at their £210,000 semi-detached home after cutting his family holiday short.
The two bodies were found when Sgt Louden’s widow Samantha alerted a friend that her husband had not been answering his phone.
In a statement made in recent weeks, which was read to the inquest, Sgt Louden’s widow, who is also a police officer, described him as a “kind and loving” husband and father who always supported others.
She said: “I do not understand the unforgivable decision Dave took.
“I will never be able to forgive Dave for taking the life of my little boy, Harrison, who was completely innocent.
“He had no right to take my son’s life regardless of how he was feeling himself.
“Harrison was a happy boy. I miss him with every breath I take. The pain of Harrison’s loss grows deeper as each day passes.”
Mrs Louden ended her statement by saying: “Sleep tight, my little boy. Love you to the moon and back.”
In separate earlier statements, Mrs Louden said her husband had a lot of anxieties, which the Covid pandemic had “escalated” enormously.
Sgt Louden found the period “really tough” and he went on to have counselling but had not discussed taking his own life.
The inquest heard Sgt Louden wrote a message to his wife Samantha on the night of the deaths which was not sent.
The message, dated August 12, said: “Sam I’m sending this two hours after the act. I’m so sorry I just can’t go on.
“My heart is breaking but the pressure became too much.
“I couldn’t see how this would get anything but worse but decided to visit the angels with Harrison.
“I hope they will let me in with him. I hope you will forgive me.”
In another letter Sgt Louden wrote to his sister Debbie, he said “during the last 18 months of Covid, demons have escaped.”
He wrote: “I felt like a zombie robot unable to make decisions. Covid ruined everything including Harrison’s hopes of any proper support.”
He also revealed that he had intended to kill Harrison and himself before they went on holiday but “the opportunity didn’t arise”.
In addition to the lockdowns, Sgt Louden reportedly stressed over Harrison’s health, who was believed to have autistic spectrum disorder.
The toddler’s parents had engaged with the health authorities to seek help for him, the inquest heard.
The county’s senior coroner, David Reid said it was “crystal clear” how much Mr and Mrs Louden loved and cared for Harrison – with “everything they did driven by a desire to do the best for him”.
He said: “The court has heard many stories about how the Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdowns this country has had to endure affected people’s physical and mental health.
“For Dave and Sam Louden that meant conferences (about Harrison’s condition) were often delayed and had to take place remotely rather than in person.
“That is to imply no criticism of those involved; it’s just a sad fact and one of the many consequences of the pandemic.
“But it seems to me those consequences also had an effect on Dave’s mental health.”
The coroner added that Sgt Louden’s wife had described the impact on him from Covid as akin to “cabin fever” – which had left him withdrawn and very down.
Accepting that Sgt Louden had been concerned for Harrison’s health and wellbeing and for the rest of his family, Mr Reid concluded: “These events, of course, led to an extensive police investigation.
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“Having received all the evidence in this case, I am quite satisfied on the balance of probabilities that David Louden killed his son, Harrison.
“At the time of carrying out both these acts it was Dave’s clear intention to take Harrison’s and then his own life.”