Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus

A 90-YEAR-old gran is the first Brit to be given the new coronavirus vaccine in a historic moment as V-Day marks a huge step in the fight against the virus.

Margaret Keenan – known as Maggie to friends and family – celebrated with a cup of tea after being given the life-saving jab at 6.31am at her local hospital in Coventry, West Mids.

Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus
Margaret Keenan was the first Brit to be given the life-saving jab in Coventry

She is among hundreds of OAPs and NHS staff will receive the vaccine on what is being dubbed V-Day.

Maggie, who turns 91 next week, said: “I feel so privileged to be the first person vaccinated against Covid-19, it’s the best early birthday present I could wish for because it means I can finally look forward to spending time with my family and friends in the New Year after being on my own for most of the year.”

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: “I’m feeling quote emotional seeing those pictures, it’s been such a tough year for so many people but finally we have our way through it, the light at the end of the tunnel.

“It seems so simple having a jab in your arm but that will protect Margaret and the people around her.

“If we manage to do that for everyone who is vulnerable to this disease we can move on and return to normal.

“I am so grateful to the whole team who made this happen.”

NHS England chief executive Sir Simon Stevens praised all those involved in delivering the new vaccine programme.

“Less than a year after the first case of this new disease was diagnosed, the NHS has now delivered the first clinically approved Covid-19 vaccination – that is a remarkable achievement,” Sir Simon said.

“A heartfelt thank you goes to everyone who has made this a reality – the scientists and doctors who worked tirelessly, and the volunteers who selflessly took part in the trials. They have achieved in months what normally takes years.

“My colleagues across the health service are rightly proud of this historic moment as we lead in deploying the PfizerBioNTech vaccine.

“I also want to thank Margaret, our first patient to receive the vaccine on the NHS.

“Today is just the first step in the largest vaccination programme this country has ever seen. It will take some months to complete the work as more vaccine supplies become available and until then we must not drop our guard. But if we all stay vigilant in the weeks and months ahead, we will be able to look back at this as a decisive turning point in the battle against the virus.”

Like many around the country, Mrs Keenan has been self-isolating for most of this year and is planning on having a very small family “bubble” Christmas to keep safe.

Originally from Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, she has lived in Coventry for more than 60 years. She will receive a booster jab in 21 days to ensure she has the best chance of being protected against the virus.

NHS nurse May Parsons said it was a “huge honour” to be the first in the country to deliver the vaccine to a patient.

Speaking at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, she said: “It’s a huge honour to be the first person in the country to deliver a Covid-19 jab to a patient, I’m just glad that I’m able to play a part in this historic day.

“The last few months have been tough for all of us working in the NHS, but now it feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Mrs Parsons, originally from the Philippines, has worked in the NHS for the last 24 years and been at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire since 2003.

Dr Hari Shukla, 87, will be the first person in Newcastle to get the jab along with wife Ranjan, 84, and told Trending In The News: “I’m proud to do my duty.”

Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus
Dr Hari Shukla, 87, will be one of the first in the world to get the new Covid vaccine, along with wife Ranjan, 84

Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus
Dr Shukla, pictured with grandson Milan and wife Ranjan, said he is ‘proud to do his duty’

Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus
Hundreds of OAPs and NHS staff will receive the vaccine on ‘V-Day’

Health Secretary Matt Hancock hailed it as an historic moment — and urged all Brits to get the jab when invited.

The eyes of the world will be on Britain this morning, with the start of the vaccine rollout broadcast live from a Midlands hospital at 7am.

Hundreds of Brits across the country will be inoculated today, with vulnerable over-80s, care home workers and NHS staff first in line.

Equality campaigner Dr Hari Shukla, 87, told of his pride and delight as he prepared to receive the injection in Newcastle today.


The dad of four and grandfather of nine, who was invited by his GP on Friday, said: “I was very excited I got the opportunity of joining in and taking part, so we are very, very pleased and happy and excited as well.

“I am delighted to be doing my bit by having the vaccine, I feel it is my duty to do so and do whatever I can.”

Dr Shukla, from Tyne and Wear, went on: “This has been a ­terrible year but I always had faith in our doctors and scientists.

“They are true heroes. I knew they would come to our rescue and I am just honoured to be among the first to benefit from their amazing work.”

Wife Ranjan, 84, will also get the jab.

NHS chief Sir Simon Stevens said today marks a “decisive turning point” in the war against Covid and there is now “cause for hope”.

PM Boris Johnson praised scientists who developed the vaccine and said its rollout is a “huge step forward”.

Britain last week became the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

It will be offered free on the NHS, with health workers and people deemed highest risk getting it first.

Mr Hancock urged people to accept the inoculation offer when it comes so the country can return to normal as quickly as possible.

He said: “I’m asking you to do your duty and get the jab.

“We will look back on today, V-Day, as a key moment in our fight back against this terrible disease.”

Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus
Dr Shukla told of his pride and delight as he prepared to receive the injection in Newcastle
Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus
Dr Shukla, pictured with his family, says he ‘always had faith in our doctors and scientists’

Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus
The dad of four and grandfather of nine was invited to get the jab by his GP

The vaccine will today be available from around 50 hospital hubs across the country.

Each has received an initial tray of 975 doses, which is stored at -70C and must be used within days of opening.

Up to 48,750 people could get their first jab by the end of this week. Recipients will need two, 21 days apart.

More centres will be opened in the weeks and months ahead as more supplies arrive.

The UK has ordered 40million doses, with four million expected by the end of the year.


Doctors will have to issue a prescription naming the patient and jab until regulations change to allow mass vaccination.

GPs are expected to start administering it from next week, with some taking it to care homes to give to residents.

The University of Oxford Covid vaccine, which is cheaper and easier to store, could also be approved by regulators within days.

Sir Simon said NHS staff had been working day and night planning the historic vaccine rollout.

He added: “Coronavirus is the greatest health challenge in NHS history, taking loved ones from us and disrupting every part of our lives.

Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus

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“Hospitals have now cared for more than 190,000 seriously ill Covid-19 patients and have seen beds fill up again in recent weeks. The deployment of this vaccine marks a decisive turning point in the battle with the pandemic.”

Mr Johnson added: “Today marks a huge step forward in the UK’s fight against corona­virus, as we begin delivering the vaccine to the first patients across the whole country.

“I am immensely proud of the scientists who developed the vaccine, members of the public who took part in trials, and the NHS who have worked tirelessly to prepare for rollout.

“But mass vaccination will take time, and we must remain clear-eyed about the challenges that remain.”

Prof Stephen Powis, the NHS national medical director, also warned the rollout will be a “marathon not a sprint”.

The PM’s dad Stanley, 80, has revealed he will get a vaccine as soon as he is eligible and will “encourage others to do so”.

Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus
Health Secretary Matt Hancock hailed ‘V-Day’ as an historic moment — and urged all Brits to get the jab when invited
Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus
Boris Johnson praised scientists who developed the vaccine and said its rollout is a ‘huge step forward’
Covid vaccine: Margaret Keenan is first Brit to get jab as V-Day marks historic moment in fight against coronavirus
Vaccines in a chiller lorry leave a depot in Milton Keynes, Bucks

Patients aged 80-plus who are already in hospital or attend for other treatment will be among the first to get it.

Others in that age group may also be invited, along with care home staff working nearby.

Any doses left in each batch will be given to high-risk NHS staff to avoid waste.