A COVID ICU patient “who is unable to talk” is has begged her friends to “take the damn vaccine” in a harrowing message from the hospital.
On Tuesday morning, a Baton Rouge General hospital Covid patient was able to “signal” to her nurses that she wanted to write something.

CBS reporter David Begnaud — who took to Twitter to share photos of the patient’s message — wrote alongside the images that the note was written by a “Covid ICU patient at Baton Rouge General hospital – who’s unable to speak.”
He said the patient “signaled to her nurses this morning that she wanted to write something.
“They brought her a pen and paper. This is what she wrote.”
The patient wrote her message on two pieces of paper.
In what appears to be black ink, she wrote in capital letters, “SEND TO FRIENDS” — followed by a four-letter word.
Another photo showed the second half of her message to read: “TAKE THE DAM SHOT”
Thankfully, approximately half of Louisiana’s total population has received at least one dose of the Covid jab as of Monday, ABC-affiliate WBRZ reported.
Over the weekend, 69,754 vaccine shots were administered throughout the state, according to the Louisiana Department of Health.
And about 48.25 percent (2,247,592 people) of the Louisiana population have gotten at least their first vaccine dose.
Despite the ongoing push and administration of Covid jabs, there are currently 2,838 Covid patients in hospitals and 480 Covid patients on ventilators.
The state’s department of health said that the unvaccinated account for 91 percent of Covid hospitalizations in Louisiana.
Earlier this month, The Advocate reported on how Baton Rouge hospitals were being pushed to the limit by Covid patients.
Dr Stephen Brierre, the head of critical care at Baton Rouge General and LSU Health New Orleans professor, told the newspaper: “Each time that I make an ICU bed that is new to the hospital that I added to take care of a COVID patient, I took a bed away from another service.
“Critically ill COVID patients not only impact the health of themselves, they’re impacting the health of people who do not have COVID during a surge.
“That is the multiplier of him being in that bed right now and him not being vaccinated.
Dr Catherine O’Neal, the Medical Director of Infection Control and Prevention at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Louisiana, also spoke about how hospitals have been overcrowded.
She told reporters on August 2: “There are no beds left. … When you come inside our walls, it is quite obvious to you that these are the darkest days of this pandemic.
“We are no longer giving adequate care to patients.”