ADAM Barlow isn’t out of the woods yet with Lydia Chambers as his former girlfriend still aims to make his life hell.
Matters surprisingly get worse for the Coronation Street solicitor in upcoming scenes due on ITV next week.

Everything is going according to plan for Lydia, played by Rebecca Ryan.
Determined to wreck Adam’s (Sam Robertson) life, years after their relationship ended in university, the Underworld PA has considerably tarnished his professional credibility.
She has also ruined his marriage with Sarah Platt (Tina O’Brien).
Meanwhile, Adam is left alone and devastated, even thrown out of his own home, and tries to pick up the pieces.
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But Lydia will not let him catch a break as she frames him for trashing her flat.
Confronted by the police over the incident, Adam does his best to convince the officers that he is innocent.
He assures Lydia cloned his credit card, in a bid to prove to Sarah they were having an affair, bought a phone and sent the texts.
Later on, Adam explains the situation to his business partner Imran Habeeb (Charlie De Melo) and while the latter tries to reassure him, a client only makes his worries grow.
The individual informs he will be taking his business elsewhere after seeing damning online reviews about Adam and Imran is concerned.
Adam’s career is on the line as he soon finds out he’s been reported to the Solicitors Regulation Authority and could be struck off.
This leaves him with no other choice but to step down until he can clear his name.
However, this could take a while as Lydia promises him that she’s only getting started.
While Adam’s torment becomes increasingly unbearable, Lydia makes herself out to be the victim.
At the Underworld factory, she tells Sarah how Adam forced his way into her home and trashed the place.
Sarah is horrified, still believing Lydia’s lies and failing to see through her scheme for revenge.
How will Adam manage to convince he is the target of a horrifying intimidation campaign?
What will it take for Lydia to finally leave him alone?
More importantly, what is Lydia’s aim?
Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on ITV.