Closing schools has had a devastating effect on children of all ages and should never happen again

THE full extent of the fallout and legacy of the first lockdown is only just beginning to reveal itself.

But one thing is clear: It has had a huge, detrimental impact on children in a way that is only becoming fully evident now they are back at school.

Closing schools has had a devastating effect on children of all ages and should never happen again
The first lockdown has had a huge, detrimental impact on children

At the virtual Work and Pensions Committee meeting this week, MPs were told that pupils are having more fall-outs with fellow pupils since returning to school. And they have struggled to get back into routines, many having spent most of lockdown playing video games.

Headteachers said pupils had fallen behind in reading and maths and become physically unfit. I guess that is what nine months with a total loss of routine will do.

The truth is that lockdown has had a devastating effect on children of all ages. New research shows that more than half of parents feel lockdowns have had a detrimental effect on their children’s mental wellbeing.

A third say their children have shown a lack of energy and enthusiasm since March, and one in ten parents says youngsters are showing signs of anxiety.

All in all, this is a worrying picture.

So, my conclusion is that allowing children to be out of the school environment for as long as they were this year should never happen again.


With schools out of the equation, it raised questions about how parents were managing without them.

The truth unfolding is that with schools closed and with the backdrop of fear about the pandemic and work and money, lots of parents really struggled. And of course that had a knock-on effect on their children.

Some people did brilliantly. But the degree to which people were able to properly support their children both educationally and emotionally through the most bonkers year we have ever known varied massively.

Nothing highlighted that fact more than when Joanne Ormond, head of Maryport Junior School in Cumbria, told MPs she had seen a rise in the number of children starting nursery and reception who were not potty trained.

She said that whereas there would normally be one or two children who were still in nappies when they started at her school, this year there were between 12 and 15.

How on earth can you send your child to school in a nappy? And why on earth would you expect a teacher to change the nappy of a school-age child?

Closing schools has had a devastating effect on children of all ages and should never happen again
A third of parents say their children have shown a lack of energy and enthusiasm since March

Sending your child to school wearing a nappy just strikes me as lazy parenting.

I’d have thought lockdown would have helped parents to deal with things like potty training. After all, they had many weeks to work on it. But, staggeringly, it seems the opposite is true.

And it also makes me wonder, if kids aren’t being potty trained then what other major developmental milestones are not being met?

In this exceptional year, one of the most tragic things is that some parents have been struggling too much to properly support their children, or help them develop and grow.

Or are some simply too lazy to teach their child to use the potty?

In 2020 we have all learned many new things. One thing all parents came face to face with is just what a heroic job teachers do.


Many parents I know seriously struggled with home schooling, and that was just trying to teach one, two or three children.

Imagine being responsible not only for the crowd control aspect of looking after a class of 30 kids, but of actually trying to help them learn anything at all, let alone enough to pass tests and exams.

What we learned is that teaching is a vocation, and it is one most of us do not have.

The other thing I have concluded is that children should not be accepted into nursery or school if they are not fully potty trained and out of nappies.

This is the one thing that parents should be solely responsible for, not teachers.

Maya’s carb habit

lYOU’VE got to love Maya Jama, who admitted this week she likes to snack on a pasta and pizza sarnie.

You can’t go wrong with triple carbs. That said, though, it’s fine to do that when you’re in your twenties.

Closing schools has had a devastating effect on children of all ages and should never happen again
Maya Jama admitted that she likes to snack on a pasta and pizza sarnie

I am not so sure you can get away with it in your fifties.

Cutlery ban goes too far

ALL workplaces and schools are learning as they go when it comes to creating a Covid-secure environment.

But I’m not surprised parents were furious when kids at a school in Walsall were forced to eat with their fingers, and banned from using knives and forks.

Closing schools has had a devastating effect on children of all ages and should never happen again
Edgar Stammers Primary Academy has banned all cutlery over Covid fears

Edgar Stammers Primary Academy has banned all cutlery over “Covid fears”.

I’m not sure who came up with this approach, but there’s always someone devoid of common sense who takes things too far.

It’s easy to wonder if the world has gone slightly mad. Surely eating with germ-riddled fingers has to be worse than using cutlery?

Have they not heard of washing up liquid?

And isn’t it funny how things have changed. If I had eaten with my hands at school, I certainly would have been in detention.

Burning question

THE Government’s Climate Change Committee outlined the measures required to slash emissions over the next 15 years.

Among other things, it is being suggested we stop sales of gas boilers by 2033, ban new fossil-fuelled cars – including hybrids – by 2032 and encourage people to cut the amount of beef and dairy they eat by a fifth in the next decade, all with the aim of getting emissions down 78 per cent by 2035 compared to 1990 levels.

I am all for saving the planet, I really am. And it’s clear we need to change our ways.

But dictating that British people cannot get into their car and drive to get a beefburger while China has more than 3,000 coal mines seems, well, a bit pointless.

Sky’s ban on Burley not o-Kay

IT is really hard not to conclude someone at Sky has double standards when it comes to how they treat their presenters.

Jamie Carragher was suspended by Sky Sports for six WEEKS for spitting at a Manchester United fan and his 14-year-old daughter.

Closing schools has had a devastating effect on children of all ages and should never happen again
Kay Burley has been asked to step down from Sky News for six months

Meanwhile, Kay Burley has been asked to step down from Sky News for six MONTHS after celebrating her 60th birthday in a way that broke the tier restrictions, including hugging her colleague Beth Rigby.

Despite the fact she thought she was abiding by Covid-19 rules – rules which now dictate what you can and cannot do inside your own home and places those in tier three under a type of house arrest – someone snapped her hugging a colleague and put it on social media.

And, hey presto, she’s in trouble.

But Sky didn’t show the same forgiving attitude towards Kay Burley as it did towards Jamie Carragher. In fact, it feels to me like Kay Burley is being treated like the bigger criminal here.

Six weeks’ suspension for spitting at someone and six months off work for hugging someone? Spitting at someone is the most disgusting thing anyone can do.

Hugging a friend goodbye on your birthday, well, it may flout these new hysterical Covid-19 rules but it’s hardly the crime of the century and certainly not disgusting.