Bright sparks
WITH Brexit done and the prospect of the “game-changing” Oxford Covid vaccine being available in days, the future looks bright indeed.
A new trade deal with Turkey, so soon after the historic deal with the EU, is further evidence of the great opportunities that lie ahead, and another feather in the cap of Trade Secretary Liz Truss.

Thanks to our brilliant scientists, the chance to seize the new economic opportunities could be even closer.
There may be more dark days before we finally get there, but only those determined not to embrace the benefits within our grasp could fail to be excited.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak says the nation now has the freedom “to do things a bit differently”.
He can start by ruling out immediate tax rises being the solution to our enormous Covid debts.
He must not extinguish the flame of hope before it has truly taken hold.

Rave new world
IT HAS been a brutal year for the hospitality and retail industries.
The Chancellor must do all he can to help both to get back on their feet in 2021, but we can play our part too.

The respected Resolution Foundation thinks emerging from Covid restrictions will release a tidal wave of cash saved by people who have been stuck at home.
That money needs to flow back into pubs, restaurants and the High Street.
A new Roaring Twenties is in the offing and we can’t wait to party back to prosperity!
Vacc to school
IF SCHOOLS are now in the front line of the battle to stem the spread of Covid, it is right for teachers in Tier 4 areas to be moved up the vaccination priority list.
Every possible step must be taken to help children get safely back into classrooms before the February half-term.

Technology has proved invaluable this past year, but when it comes to remote teaching, the most disadvantaged kids will inevitably be the ones left behind.
Dearest Deidre
DEAR Deidre and Trending In The News — for 40 years, it has been a marriage made in heaven.
Now, sadly, it’s over. After dispensing sound and compassionate guidance to literally millions of people, our much-loved agony aunt is stepping down.

Deidre can be immensely proud of her pioneering work and for making mental health advice so much more accessible.
We know Britain’s No.1 problem page will be in safe hands with Sally Land and our amazing counsellors.
But for once, Deidre, let us give you some advice: Enjoy retirement!