Captain Tom Moore’s epic £32m charity walk round his garden voted the highlight of a miserable year

CAPTAIN Tom Moore’s epic £32million charity walk round his garden has been voted the highlight of a miserable year.

The 100-year-old’s NHS fundraiser topped a poll of 50 things Brits most enjoyed during the pandemic.

Captain Tom Moore’s epic £32m charity walk round his garden voted the highlight of a miserable year
Captain Tom’s charity walk round his garden has been voted the highlight of a miserable year

Second was the reduction in air pollution, followed by a new appreciation for key workers.

Nearly a third of those polled hailed Man United star Marcus Rashford’s efforts to make sure hungry children are fed.

Other entries included saving money, enjoying homes, gardens and families more and a slower pace of life.

More than a third described this year as the worst of their life. But 46 per cent believe they will emerge a stronger person.

Captain Tom Moore’s epic £32m charity walk round his garden voted the highlight of a miserable year

Another four in ten believe it will help the nation become more united.

The research was commissioned by Vision Direct. Chief marketing officer Ashley Mealor said: “While 2020 has been a year to forget for many, our results found there was actually lots to smile about. 

“It’s funny now to think how much we all took for granted that we’d love to do now, even things as simple as shaking someone’s hand.”

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