Can Tier 3 travel to Tier 2? Moving between tiers explained

NEARLY all areas of England are currently living under Tier 2 and Tier 3 lockdown restrictions

Much like previously, Tier 3 has the the strictest mseasures to curb areas with “very high” infection rates – but what does that mean for travel?

Can Tier 3 travel to Tier 2? Moving between tiers explained
Travel has been impeded under the tier system

Can I travel between tiers? 

Tiers 1 and 2

If you live in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 area, you will be able to travel to other places in the two lower tiers. 

However, if you are part of a Tier 2 area, you must still follow Tier 2 rules when you travel to or stay in a part of England with lower restrictions.

People living in Tier 1 and 2 areas should avoid travelling to or staying overnight in Tier 3 areas – but you can travel through a Tier 3 area as part of a longer journey. 

Tier 3

Anyone in a Tier 3 area should not travel or stay the night in lower tier regions – and they should stay within their area when possible. 

Can I travel for work in the UK? 

Yes – people across all three tiers will be allowed to travel to work if they can’t work from home. 

People will be allowed to travel both within their tier area and to other parts of the UK for work. 

Can Tier 3 travel to Tier 2? Moving between tiers explained
People can travel to work if they can’t work from home

Can I stay in a hotel in the UK? 

All hotels, B&Bs, campsites and guest houses must stay shut in Tier 3 areas. 

Hotels in the lower Tiers 1 and 2 will open, however, and people will be able to stay in overnight accommodation while observing social distancing. 

Can I travel abroad in Tier 3? 

If you are living in a Tier 3 area, you should avoid travelling outside of the area unless it’s absolutely necessary. 

Overnight stays outside of Tier 3 areas are also banned, unless it’s essential. 

Essential reasons why you might have to travel – either in the UK or abroad – could include work, education, or medical and care requirements. 

The government also suggests people in Tier 3 looking to travel abroad check the government’s current list of travel corridors – countries you can visit without having to self-isolate on return. 

The news comes as Brits going on a winter getaway will only have to quarantine for five days and can be “released” from self-isolation after taking a quick one hour test.

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