Can hairdressers open in Tier 3?

MOBILE hairdressers had been prevented from working during the second lockdown but that’s changed under the new tier system.

Salons and barber shops, along with mobile hairdressers, can now operate in all three of the tiers.

Can hairdressers open in Tier 3?
Mobile hairdressers can now operate but must still follow the coronavirus precautions

Can hairdressers open in Tier 3 areas?

Hairdressers and barbers who work in a salon can open their doors to customers now that the second lockdown in England ended on December 2.

Hairdressing salons can now reopen and operate in a Covid-secure manner in Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3.

They were forced to close during the first national lockdown and again during November in the England lockdown.

Before lockdown most hairdressers and salons in Tier 3 areas were forced to close, but the Government has relaxed this rule.

Now they can open their doors again along with beauty salons.

But pubs and restaurants are subject to stricter measures under the new Tier 3 rules most non-essential retailers can now operate.

Here’s everything you need to know about the rules for Tier 3 lockdown areas.

These are the full list of businesses that must close in Tier 3 areas on very high alert.

Can hairdressers open in Tier 3?
A graphic showing the rules within each of England’s coronavirus restriction tiers

Are mobile hairdressers allowed to work?

Under the second coronavirus lockdown measures in England, all hairdressers were forced to stop working and this included mobile hairdressers.

On December 2 those restrictions were lifted and Brits are now able to get a trim in all three tiers, including Tier 3 areas, which is the level with the most severe restrictions.

The rules now say non-essential retailers can open their doors to customers and this also includes mobile hairdressers who are now allowed to operate in your home.

This even includes mobile hairdressers.

However, if they do come to your home they must work in a Covid-secure way.

This includes cleaning more often, wearing face coverings and keeping a steady flow of air.

The government’s full guidance for “close contact services” can be found here.

What rules do hairdressers and barbers have to follow?

Most salons have implemented measures such as face masks and shields to help prevent transmission.

Hairdresser and barber shops are required to maintain rigorous cleaning measures.

They are asked to wipe down surfaces and clean equipment between each customer.

Staff at hairdressing establishments are required to wear face masks and a protective visor, while customers are also required to wear face coverings.

Keep music and other background noise to a minimum to prevent people from speaking loudly or shouting.

Staff are also expected to maintain social distancing at shops.

This can mean booking by appointment only, or asking customers to form queues outside shops to control the number of people in an enclosed space at one time.

Shops are required to fill out a Coronavirus Risk Assessment form as well as take part in the Test and Trace scheme by keeping record of customers over a 21 day period.

They are required to this by law, as well as being expected to turn away customers who show signs or symptoms of coronavirus.