Brits may have to wear masks for another YEAR despite Covid vaccine roll-out

BRITS could we wearing face masks for a year despite the vaccination roll out, the government’s chief scientific officer has warned.

Sir Patrick Vallance hailed the beginning of the UK’s largest ever immunisation programme as a “tremendous day” though life will not start returning to normal in the UK until spring next year.

Brits may have to wear masks for another YEAR despite Covid vaccine roll-out
Masks could be a part of life until next winter
Brits may have to wear masks for another YEAR despite Covid vaccine roll-out
The warning came from Sir Patrick Vallance

He said the public should be prepared to be wearing masks for the whole of next year.

“It may be that next winter even with vaccination we need measures like masks in place,” he said.

“We don’t know yet how good all the vaccines are going to be at preventing the transmission of the virus.”

Sir Patrick explained that despite knowing that the vaccine prevents the virus taking hold in the body, it is not yet known if it prevents transmission among the vaccinated to the non-vaccinated.

Brits may have to wear masks for another YEAR despite Covid vaccine roll-out

“It’s going to take quite a long time to make sure everybody in the at-risk groups and all of the groups that are difficult to reach get vaccinated as appropriate.”

He said it was at least a month or more before you see full immunity with the vaccine, adding: “It is important we all stick to the rules in the meantime – the rules are what’s keeping the virus down.”

Sir Patrick’s comments come after a 90-year-old gran became the first Brit to be given the new coronavirus vaccine today in a historic moment in the fight against the virus.

Margaret Keenan – known as Maggie to friends and family – celebrated with a cup of tea after being given the life-saving Covid jab at 6.31am at her local hospital in Coventry, West Mids.

She is among hundreds of OAPs and NHS staff to receive the vaccine on what is being dubbed V-Day after the UK became the first country in the world to start using the Pfizer vaccine after regulators approved its use last week.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the start of the roll out of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine meant there was “finally” a “way through” the coronavirus crisis.

NHS will expand its vaccination programme next week, with the Pfizer jabs rolled out beyond 70 hospitals to around 300 GP hubs, targeting those aged 80 and over.